Sleeping After Rhinoplasty:
What is the Right Position to Sleep?

  • Reading Time: 3 Min

  • Category: Nose Job

  • Approved by: Dr. Shokrzadeh

Sleeping After Rhinoplasty:
What is the Right Position to Sleep?

  • Reading Time: 3 Min

  • Category: Rhinoplasty

  • Approved by: Dr. Shokrzadeh

Healing after rhinoplasty depends mainly on what you do during the recovery period. During your recovery, you should get a lot of rest and have enough sleep. Sleeping after rhinoplasty in terms of both having a good portion of sleep and sleeping at the right position can help enhance your immune system and provide more blood flow towards the surgery site.

The problem is that sleeping after rhinoplasty is not that easy. Since the nose becomes very sensitive, you should be very careful not to hurt your nose while you sleep. To avoid having trouble sleeping after rhinoplasty, keep on reading and know more about sleeping after a nose job.

a woman sleeping on her back after her nose surgery which is considered as the best sleeping position after rhinoplasty

What position should I sleep in after rhinoplasty surgery?

Key Facts:

  • Sleeping on your back with the head elevated is the best position to enhance the healing process and reduce swelling after rhinoplasty.
  • Sleeping on the side is not recommended in the early recovery period after rhinoplasty.
  • Sleeping on the stomach is forbidden during the recovery after rhinoplasty since this position applies excess pressure on your nose and can ruin the results of your surgery.
  • Sleeping alone is preferred after rhinoplasty for not letting others to hurt your sensitive nose after the surgery.

The best sleeping position after rhinoplasty

Sleeping on the back is the best sleeping position after rhinoplasty.

Sleeping on the back will reduce the risks of damaging your nose. You should put a pillow or two under your head to keep your head elevated to a 45-degree angle as sleeping upright can help you reduce swelling in less time.

Add some pillows around you when you sleep to prevent your body from rolling during your sleep. You can also add some pillows under the legs to reduce back pain.

If you are not used to sleep on your back and you wonder “How many days should I sleep on the back after rhinoplasty?” then you must know that the period you should sleep on your back is about a week at least. However, check with your surgeon because he/she is the one who knows exactly the appropriate period for your specific case.

a woman sleeping on her back after her nose job which is considered as the best sleeping position after nose surgery

Sleeping on the back is probably the best sleeping position after nose surgery.

Side sleeping after rhinoplasty

Sleeping sideways after rhinoplasty is not recommended because it might cause damage to your nose. Sleeping on the side can add pressure on the nose and cause nasal congestion. This usually applies for the first week or two, so you can ask your doctor if it is OK for you to sleep on the side after that period.

Nose Job Packages

Surgery + Hotel + Visa
Transfer + Interpreter

Nose Job Packages

Surgery + Hotel + Visa
Transfer + Interpreter

Sleeping on stomach after rhinoplasty

You must avoid sleeping on your stomach after a nose job. Sleeping on the face will increase the risks of ruining your rhinoplasty results significantly. Your nose will be prone to damage after rhinoplasty since it will be very sensitive due to the surgery.

a woman sleeping on her stomach which is considered as a wrong sleeping position after rhinoplasty

You must avoid sleeping on your stomach after a nose job.

Tips for sleeping after rhinoplasty

It is important to have enough sleep after the surgery, so here is some tips to help you avoid sleeping problems after rhinoplasty:

  • Sleep alone: Even if you love sleeping next to your partner, spouse, children, or your pets, they might end up hurting your nose if your sleep next to them. Do not take any risks and try to sleep alone for a while after having a nose job.
  • Reduce your caffeine intake: Coffee and tea are important to many people and are considered an essential part of the daily routine. However, drinking caffeinated drinks can prevent you from having the right amount of sleep and affect your biological clock. Therefore, you should reduce your caffeine intake, especially before bedtime.
  • Keep your phone away: Keeping your phone away and not looking at a screen when it is time to sleep can help you a lot to fall asleep fast and stay asleep for a longer period of time.
a man sleeping alone on her back after his nose surgery without any phone near him

Try to sleep alone and keep your phone away for a while after having a nose job.

Can I Take sleeping pills to sleep after rhinoplasty?

Although sleeping is very important after rhinoplasty, you should try to sleep normally without taking any sleeping pills. In some cases, sleeping pills can interfere with your medications. If you are having a lot of trouble sleeping after the surgery, call your doctor and ask him/her if it is OK for you to take any sleeping pills.

When can I Start Sleeping normally after rhinoplasty?

The period of time you would have to wait for before you get back to sleeping normally depends on your status in terms of healing. In general, most patients can return to their old sleeping positions after 10 to 14 days. Just make sure you ask your doctor first to avoid any possible damage.

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The Bottom line

Sleeping well after rhinoplasty can help you get the best results of your surgery and avoid any damage. If you have any trouble sleeping after rhinoplasty or if your need more information you can contact AriaMedTour. Our specialists can provide you with the answers you need for your questions.

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December 12, 2020 11:01 pm

sleeping with a blindfold help me to sleep better and i used to do it for long time. is it ok after nose job surgery i cover my eyes with a blindfold? I mean up to 1 week immediately after nose surgery

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Mithushi
December 13, 2020 1:24 am

Hi dear Mithushi,
It is OK to use a blindfold if it doesn’t put pressure on the nasal septum

Lindy Khalil
Lindy Khalil
September 24, 2021 4:07 am

I bought medical surgery Micropore tape for my nose, but it’s like a paper tape, it’s not good. Which tape do I have to buy?

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Lindy Khalil
September 25, 2021 3:13 pm

Thank you for your question.
This is one of the best surgical tapes for reducing swelling after surgery and has few side effects, but if it irritates your skin you can use hypoallergenic tapes that are designed for sensitive skins.

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