When it comes to Neurosurgery, expertise matters!
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When it comes to Neurosurgery, expertise matters!
Have a free Online Consultation to learn about our packages.

Neurosurgery is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the brain, spine or nerves. The high quality of neurosurgery in Iran is widely acknowledged in the region and beyond, making Iran a popular destination for neurosurgery abroad. Here is all you need to know about neurosurgery in Iran.

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This exclusively-produced documentary shows a typical medical tour we arrange for our medical tourists. Watch the video to get an understanding of the services we provide to our medical tourists in package. This documentary film features a medical tourist named Cecilia who made a trip from Norway to Iran through us for a rhinoplasty as well as a cosmetic dental procedure. The whole process is filmed from the time she arrived at the airport until she departed Iran.

Why Iran for Neurosurgery?

Thousands of cross border patients can’t be wrong! Iran is a major hub of medical tourism for all types of procedures, neurosurgery included. You can count on Iranian specialists’ expertise and experience. What’s more, Iran boasts some of the best facilities and medical equipment found in the region.

Why AriaMedTour?

AriaMedTour is the most well-known medical tourism facilitator in Iran. Our experts are trained to provide patients with all they need to wipe out their worries and pack for a hassle-free medical trip.


Back Surgery

Spine Surgery

Spinal discs are thin cushioning layers positioned between each vertebra (bone) in the spine. They are shock absorbers and …

Arachnoid Cyst

Arachnoid Cyst Treatment

Arachnoid cysts are some of the most common cysts that can appear in the brain. While usually congenital, they can also happen as a result of injury.

Brain Surgery - DBS

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

Also known as Parkinson Disease surgery, Deep brain stimulation (DBS) procedure involves planting a device that…

Neurosurgeons in Iran

Subdural Hematoma Drainage

Subdural hematoma is a buildup of blood accumulated in the area in your brain close to the dura. The treatment involves …

Neurosurgeons in Iran

Brain Abscess Surgery

Brain abscess surgery usually involves craniotomy. That is, the surgeon temporarily removes a part of the skull before operating on the brain.

Brain Tumor surgery in Iran

Brain Tumor Surgery

Benign (noncancerous) brain tumors can be treated effectively. An experienced neurosurgeon will perform a surgical technique to remove the brain tumor without …

hydrocephalus in children

Hydrocephalus Treatment

Hydrocephalus is one of the most common pediatric neurosurgery disorders. The most frequently used treatment is using a VP shunt.

Carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Iran

Peripheral Nerve Surgery

Nerve surgery is usually a carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. Sometimes surgery is the only way to ease the numbing pain across the arms and neck.

Neurosurgery in Iran: All you need to know

Neurosurgery treatments in Iran are of such high quality that the country is deemed as the neurosurgery hub in the middle east. Yet, there is no denying the fact that procedures related to the brain, spine, or nerves can be quite complicated. The treatment can seem even more daunting when you decide to try neurosurgery abroad. 

That is why choosing a medical tourism facilitation agency that you can rely on is vital. As the prominent medical tourism facilitation company in Iran, AriaMedTour strives to streamline the process through multiple services:

  • Thorough medical consultation and online appointment service for free 
  • Trip planning 
  • Scheduling appointments and arrival/departure dates
  • Booking accommodation, flights, transfer, etc. during your stay
  • Assigning personal care assistants and medical interpreter
  • Follow-up care for months after you’re back home

What is neurosurgery?

Neurosurgery is commonly known as surgical operations on the brain. But in addition to performing surgical procedures on the brain, a neurosurgeon (neurosurgery specialist) will also be able to help patients suffering from other conditions, namely, neck pain or back pain. 

A neurosurgeon is fully trained to treat patients who need any of the following procedures:

  • Brain surgery
  • Spinal surgery
  • Peripheral surgery

Neurosurgery in Iran

Here is why numerous patients seek their treatments in Iran.

Notable Iranian neurosurgeons 

Perhaps the main reason as to why Iran is a famous destination for neurosurgery and neurovascular treatments is the reputation of its surgeons. Few people are unfamiliar with the likes of Dr. Majid Samii. He (like many other Iranian neurosurgeons) is widely known in the international level. 

Brain surgeries can seem extremely unnerving. So, it is important to find an experienced neurosurgeon whose expertise you can trust. Since neurosurgery is one of the main key interests among Iranian specialists, you can find many notable Iranian neurosurgeons with wide experience. 

High quality of care

One of the aspects of healthcare in Iran that usually goes beyond international patients’ expectations is the high quality of care in the country. Iran’s rigid healthcare standards make it impossible for medical centers to be anything but trustworthy and top-ranked. Hospital equipment in Iran is on par with those found in countries like the US. Also, the Iranian medical staff are trained to cater to patients of all nationalities to ensure an effective treatment, successful procedure, and satisfactory experience.

Affordable cost of surgery in Iran

Neurosurgery diagnosis and treatments are extremely expensive in most countries, even when covered by insurance. Therefore, the low costs of the treatment in Iran entice people to travel all the way to Iran for neurosurgery. As mentioned earlier, Iran’s healthcare service offers an exemplary experience in terms of both quality of care and extensive options of neurosurgeons to choose from. The quality care in Iran coupled with exceptionally low prices offer a unique opportunity to neurosurgery patients.

Brain surgery in Iran 

Brain surgery is a sub-category of neurosurgery and can be referred to as any type of procedure that is performed on the brain. The number of brain conditions that need surgery are infinite and so are brain procedure types. Here are some of the most common types of brain surgery in Iran.

Brain tumor removal 

Tumors are mass or collections of abnormal cells. They can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Brain tumors can lead to brain damage regardless of whether they are cancerous or not. This is because our skull is a restricted area and any abnormal growth inside this limited space can be life-threatening. Hence, specialists suggest addressing the brain tumor immediately. 

Brain tumors can be categorized into primary and secondary brain tumors. Primary brain tumors are tumors that originate in the brain and are usually benign. Whereas secondary brain tumors originate somewhere else in the body (e.g. breast or lungs) and find their way to the brain. Some types of brain tumors include:

  • Glial Tumors: also known as gliomas, these tumors develop from glial cells in your brain or spinal cord.
  • Pituitary tumors: these tumors are mostly benign and develop at the base of the brain.
  • Convexity tumors: it is a type of meningioma tumors and occurs on the surface of the brain. They are generally noncancerous and easily accessible through the surgery. Therefore, the surgeon can easily remove them successfully.
  • Orbital tumor: it refers to any tumor that develops in the bony socket (orbit) that contains the eye. These types of tumors can be benign or malignant.
  • Intraventricular tumors: brain ventricle tumors are rare tumors that affect children more than adults. 

Benign (noncancerous) brain tumors can be treated effectively. An experienced neurosurgeon will perform a surgical technique to remove the brain tumor without resulting in brain damage.

Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt

Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt or VP shunt, also called a cerebral shunt, is a device that is used to relieve pressure in the brain. The harmful pressure usually occurs as a result of the buildup of fluid in the brain (a condition known as hydrocephalus). If left untreated, it can result in brain damage. Infants and older adults are more likely to suffer from this condition. Another condition that is usually treated using VP shunts is an arachnoid cyst.

The procedure takes between one to two hours and is performed under general anesthesia. During VP shunt, then neurosurgeon will drill a somewhere behind the skull and thread a catheter through this hole to remove the excess fluid. Usually, they will attach the other end of the catheter to the chest or abdomen so that the fluid is absorbed by the patient’s body.


A craniotomy is a procedure that involves temporarily removing a bone flap from the scalp so that the neurosurgeon can get access to the exposed part of the brain and perform the surgery. Multiple surgical procedures such as aneurysm clipping and brain abscess may involve craniotomy.

DBS surgery

Also known as Parkinson Disease surgery, Deep brain stimulation (DBS) procedure involves planting a device that sends electrical signals to the brain. These impulses will regulate abnormal impulses that trigger body movements.

Spinal surgery in Iran

Back or spine surgery is another sub-category of neurosurgery and includes a range of diagnosis and treatment procedures. Spinal surgery in Iran is performed with the best facilities and by the most proficient neurosurgeons. In some cases, spine surgery can also fall into the orthopedics category.

Spinal fusion 

By mimicking the normal healing process of the bones, spinal fusion joins two or more vertebrae permanently to limit movement in the spine. Spinal fusion can be performed to treat conditions such as: 

  • Tumors
  • Scoliosis
  • Herniated discs
  • etc.


Laminectomy involves removing a part of one or more vertebrae to relieve pressure. The most common reason to have laminectomy is a herniated disc. But it can also be performed to treat injuries or conditions such as narrowing of the canal (spinal stenosis), or tumors.


Similar to the laminectomy procedure, a diskectomy is usually performed to ease the pressure caused by a herniated disk. The difference is that during discectomy, the surgeon will remove vertebral discs.


Foraminotomy is a procedure that can take the pressure off nerves. The surgeon enlarges the area around one of the bones in your spine. There are several purposes for this procedure:

  • Enlargement of the nearby ligament
  • Arthritis of the spine
  • Tumors 
  • etc.

Vertebral augmentation

This type of back surgery is performed to restore a fractured vertebrae. To do so, the surgeon injects a particular cement into the bones.

Peripheral nerve surgery in Iran

Peripheral nerve disorders usually get treated through non-surgical methods. However, sometimes surgery is the only way to ease the numbing pain across the body. Some conditions related to the nerves that might need surgery are as follows:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Peroneal and ulnar (arm and foot nerves) compression 
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Pediatric neurosurgery in Iran

Pediatric neurosurgery addresses neurological conditions in children. These conditions might be congenital or occur as a result of other factors. Some examples of common pediatric disorders are tumors, arachnoid cyst, and hydrocephalus.

Neurosurgical disorders in children can be challenging. It is important to find reliable facilities and experienced pediatric neurosurgeons. Have a free consultation with one of our experts to learn about our packages for more insight.

Frequently Asked Questions About Neurosurgery

It depends on the surgery. While a neurosurgeon is most likely involved in the diagnosis and treatment process, sometimes the presence of another specialist is also necessary. For instance, spine surgery usually requires an orthopedist too.

Depending on the procedure (biopsy or an entire operation), the surgery can take about 2 to 5 hours.

Brain surgery is, with no doubt, a major surgery. Meaning, there are risks and complications associated with the procedure. In most cases, however, the risks of living with a brain condition largely overweight those of the surgery. The only thing you should be concerned about is choosing a top-ranked specialist. Someone whom you can fully trust.

Your hospital stay after brain surgery can take between a week or two. It depends on the type of the brain procedure and your surgeon’s professional opinion.

Depending on the type of spine surgery, the recovery can take between 1 to 2 months. Some extent of manageable pain and discomfort is normal during this period.

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Senthamarai Kannan
Senthamarai Kannan
January 10, 2020 3:26 pm

I saw Dr 2 years earlier and he prescribed medication after few checkups since then I am under medication by my condition is currently unstable I have neuropathy and nervous pressure. Could you please advise?

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Senthamarai Kannan
May 21, 2020 3:45 am

Hello Senthamarai! To diagnose your condition accurately, we require your medical documents including medical reports completed by your current doctor and a list of the medications you’re currently taking as well as your medical history.
Please send the said documents to Our specialists will get back to you with complete solutions and an appropriate treatment plan.

Ali Jafar
Ali Jafar
January 18, 2020 11:30 am

I have been suffering from pain in my buttocks for over 10 years and it is becoming worse and is very painful when sitting and standing up. I Have had several MRI scans of my spine, but nothing could be found. I have been diagnosed with Piriformis syndrome.Please can you let me know me if any of your Doctors can help me.

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Ali Jafar
May 21, 2020 3:38 am

Hello Ali! We have examined your documents. Your condition is a disorder that happens when there is stiffness and spasm in the piriformis muscle. This can lead to the irritation of the sciatic nerve and pain in the buttocks and hips as well as referred pain in the back and posterior thigh.
Symptoms of piriformis syndrome is different for each individual. Certain activities can be considered risk factors for piriformis syndrome. Heavy drivers, for instance, are more at risk. Skiing, bicycling, and playing tennis for a long time are also considered activities that can lead to this disorder.
To alleviate the painful symptoms, I recommend reducing rigorous exercises and any activity that triggers pain.
You can also subside the pain by using heat compress and taking pain killers or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But the most effective technique is performing stretches focused on this area of the body.
An important exercise is to lie flat on your back with both knees bent. Lift your left ankle up and rest it against your right knee. Then gently pull your right knee toward your right shoulder. You should feel a stretch in your left glute.
If medications and exercises are unsuccessful in easing the symptoms, you may need injections of anesthetic solutions.
If you still need relief, you may need surgery to cut the piriformis muscle to ease pressure on the sciatic nerve.
I hope doing these recommendations helps you with easing the discomfort. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Shadan Nivan Seresht
Shadan Nivan Seresht
February 12, 2020 8:02 pm

I need transnazal edoscopic neurosurgery. Makroadenoma Hipofiz (Pituitary) 3sm.
Is it possible in Iran, and how much will it cost?

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Shadan Nivan Seresht
May 21, 2020 3:22 am

Hello Shadan! Endoscopic pituitary surgery (transnasal transsphenoidal approach) is one of the most common ways to remove pituitary tumors.
Simply put, the pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and sits just behind the bridge of the nose. Its main function is to regulate a large number of hormones in the body.
The surgery you mentioned is done with an instrument called an endoscope. An endoscope is a thin, rigid tube that has a microscope and camera built into it. This device is usually inserted through the nose. The camera lets your surgeon watch on a television screen while inserting other special instruments through the scope to remove the tumor.
Endoscopic surgery is done to remove certain types of tumors that start to grow in your pituitary gland; these are known as hormone-secreting tumors. This can be followed by complications such as acute headaches or visual problems which might be what you are experiencing.
Endoscopic pituitary surgery is a safe surgery. But as with all surgeries, it can carry some risks related to anesthesia.
By choosing a reliable and experienced surgeon, you can minimize these risks. Our handpicked surgeons are all extremely proficient since they perform this type of procedure on a weekly basis, with successful results.

March 20, 2020 1:16 am

my sister has a 15-year-old daughter, she is diagnosed with a brain tumor. She can’t move her left hand and leg. Do you have such an operation in Iran?
and how much does the operation cost you can find out?

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Aruzhan
May 21, 2020 3:12 am

Hello Aruzhan! I hope you are doing well. My colleagues and I have examined the case. For further diagnosis, we need information about the tumor type, its growth, and when it was first found.
There are over 120 types pf neurosurgical tumors that minor people can suffer from. They can originate from different areas in the brain and consequently each needs different appropriate treatments. The treatment is chosen depending on the size and type of the tumor, its growth rate, where it is located, and the patient’s health status.
Please provide the following test results for an accurate examination:
Brain CT scan
Brain MRI
Depending on your niece’s case, radiation, chemotherapy, surgery or a combination of these treatments will be performed.
Please email us the documents at and we will get back to you ASAP. Once our specialists decide on a treatment plan, the patient care team will send you the details along with the costs of the treatment in Iran.

May 25, 2020 9:35 pm

The cost for DBS and do you treat it for OCD.

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Samantha
May 30, 2020 1:27 pm

Dear Samantha, thanks for getting in touch with us.
To treat conditions, such as OCD that involve obsessive, unwanted or intrusive thoughts and behaviors, one option is using the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) approach. This method was FDA-approved in 2008 and is routinely performed in Iran as well as in other countries as a treatment for obsessive disorders. Yet, the exact treatment can only be prescribed once we have your complete documents.
Please, submit your medical report via Our care specialists will get back to you with a thorough diagnosis, treatment options, and quote.