Mommy Makeover in Iran
Get back your pre-pregnancy body with mommy makeover procedures in Iran
offered at decent prices, all with our all-inclusive tours.
Get back your pre-pregnancy body with mommy makeover procedures in Iran
offered at decent prices, all with our all-inclusive tours.
Becoming a mother is one of the greatest feelings in the world, but nobody likes the feeling of getting a ruined body after childbearing. If your body has changed shape after your childbirth, a mommy makeover is for you. A series of cosmetic procedures, mommy makeover helps you get your body restored to pre-pregnancy shape. At AriaMedTour, we arrange your mommy makeover procedures at the best hospitals and clinics in Iran at very reasonable prices. Fill out the above form or contact us for a free consultation and quote, and keep reading to learn more.
Note: The medicines and other aftercare items included in this package are the necessary items prescribed by the surgeon.
Also, the doctors and hotels and clinics which are included in the package are offered by AriaMedTour to the patient. There may be other doctors whom the patients are considered and the price might be different.
Wondering what this packages actually brings to you?
This exclusively-produced documentary shows a typical medical tour we arrange for our medical tourists. Watch the video to get an understanding of the services we provide to our medical tourists in package. This documentary film features a medical tourist named Cecilia who made a trip from Norway to Iran through us for a rhinoplasty as well as a cosmetic dental procedure. The whole process is filmed from the time she arrived at the airport until she departed Iran.
Your detailed schedule after arrival in Iran
>> Day 1: Arrival at airport: you will be welcomed by our guide, then picked up and transferred to hotel*. Checking into hotel; Transfer from hotel to clinic; Visiting the doctor; Pre-op tests; Transfer from clinic to hotel
>> Day 2: Transfer from hotel to hospital; preparations for surgery; conversation between doctor & patient, reviewing the expectations; Performing of surgery; Post-op recovery at hospital; taking doctor’s instructions; Hospitalization
>> Day 3: Taking doctor's instruction; Transfer from hospital to hotel; Rest in hotel; taking post-op medications; following instructed diet; follow-up through doctor’s assistant.
>> Day 4: Rest in hotel; regular eating restarts; daily walking; taking post-up medications
>> Day 5: Rest in hotel; regular eating restarts; daily walking; taking post-up medications
>> Day 6: Rest in hotel; regular eating restarts; daily walking; taking post-up medications
>> Day 7: Rest in hotel; Regular eating restarts; Daily walking; follow-up through doctor's assistant; Drain removal by the doctor
>> Day 8: Taking shower at hotel; transfer from hotel to clinic; check-up and bandage removal (by the doctor)**; reviewing post-op instructions and dos & don’ts; receiving written certificate from doctor confirming patient is fit to fly; transfer from clinic to hotel.
>> Day 9: Transfer from hotel to AriaMedTour’s office; AriaMedTour gives patient special gift***; transfer to airport and seeing-off; start of permanent follow-up through communication channels.
>> Note:
* Transfer from the airport to the hotel will be with the taxi.
** The doctor visit may be in the 5th or 6th day depending on the circumstances.
*** In some cases where your departure is in the weekends this step may not be feasible.
About our hotels
We work with a select group of three- to five-star hotels in Tehran and other cities. Depending on the type of package you choose and the location of the hospital or clinic where you are going to receive the treatment, we arrange the most suitable hotel for you. The name, details, and photos of the hotel will be sent to you ahead of time.
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