Butt Lift (BBL)

Before and After Photos

Browse Brazilian butt lift before & after photos shared
by AriaMedTour verified doctors.

Butt Lift (BBL) Before and After Photos

Browse Brazilian butt lift before & after photos shared by AriaMedTour verified doctors.

Butt lift and Brazilan butt lift are procedures that enhance the buttock in different ways. A butt lift simply lifts sagging buttocks but BBL is a cosmetic procedure that not only gives you well-shaped buttocks but also refines your body.

Here you can compare dozens of butt lift and  BBL before and after photos of our patients who had their procedures done in Iran.

Note: These before and after butt lift and BBL photos have been provided by our surgeons in Iran and patients have allowed us to use them. They have not been photographed by us or altered in any way. Note that your treatment result may differ. Click on each image to enlarge.

Butt Lift Packages
in Iran

Surgery + Hotel + Visa
Transfer + Interpreter

Butt Lift Packages
in Iran

Surgery + Hotel + Visa
Transfer + Interpreter

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