Lip Augmentation
Before and After Photos
Browse lip augmentation before & after photos
shared by AriaMedTour verified doctors.
Browse lip augmentation before & after photos
shared by AriaMedTour verified doctors.
Browse lip augmentation before & after photos shared by AriaMedTour verified doctors.
Lips are very prominent facial features and are aesthetically important. Lip augmentation is a popular procedure, especially among women. While lipsticks could be used to give a temporary fuller and larger appearance to the lips, lip augmentation could be quite different with much longer effects.
So, seeing the real before and after photos of people having done lip augmentation could be quite helpful. Also, it can help you decide how much you may want to plump your lips considering your other facial features. Go through the different lip augmentation before and after photos to find those you like more and consult your doctor if you can get a similar procedure.
Note: These photos have been provided by our surgeons in Iran and patients have allowed us to use them. They have not been photographed by us or altered in any way. Note that your treatment result may differ. Click on each image to enlarge.
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