Before and After Photos
Browse Liposuction before & after photos shared
by AriaMedTour verified doctors.
Browse Liposuction before & after photos shared
by AriaMedTour verified doctors.
Browse liposuction before & after photos shared by AriaMedTour verified doctors.
Liposuction doesn’t make a big difference to your weight, but it DOES make a big difference to your body. With a quick look at the liposuction before and after photos, you can get a clue about the difference a liposuction procedure would make to your physical appearance.
Below you can find dozens of lipo before and after photos of our patients who had their procedures done in Iran.
Note: These photos have been provided by our surgeons in Iran and patients have allowed us to use them. They have not been photographed by us or altered in any way. Note that your treatment result may differ. Click on each image to enlarge.
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