Dr Ali Malek-Hosseini

Dr Ali Malek Hosseini

Doctor’s  profile

Name: Ali Malek-Hosseini

Specialty: General Surgery

Subspecialties: Kidney transplantation, liver transplantation

Years of experience and number of successful surgeries: Over 29 years of experience and more than 10000 successful surgeries

Languages: English, Persian

Dr Malek Hosseini’s Biography 

Born into a religious family in Boyer-Ahmad, Iran in 1949, Dr Malek Hosseini completed his elementary education in his rural village before going to Shiraz to attend a high school. After receiving his diploma in Shiraz, he returned to his hometown and served as a teacher in a nearby village for two years.

Dr Malek Hosseini participated in the national university entrance exam and was qualified to enter the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Tehran in 1973. During the same year, his mother died of a liver disease, a tragedy that soon changed Dr Malek Hosseini’s course of life and led him to take part again in the entrance exam to study medicine. He soon got qualified to enter Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 1974.

Having successfully completed a 7-year General Medicine education and internship with top grades in 1982, Dr Malek Hosseini entered Shiraz School of Medicine to pass his general surgery residency. After that, he went back to Tehran to fulfill his fellowship program in kidney transplantation at Shahid Beheshti School of Medicine, and during the same period, he became an assistant professor of general surgery at Shiraz Medical School.

In 1990, Dr Malek Hosseini traveled to the United States to complete a research fellowship in liver transplantation in Pittsburgh. Upon his return to Iran in 1992, he formed a liver transplantation team at Namzi Hospital in Shiraz and performed the first liver transplant in Iran and the Middle East to earn the title ‘father of Iran’s liver transplantation’.

Dr Malek Hosseini has since been highly active in organ transplantation surgeries especially liver transplantation and has advanced his theoretical and practical knowledge by attending various international courses and conducting research, including a research fellowship at King’s College London in 2001.

He has also been active in benevolent organizations and made charitable contributions to poor people in need of medical attention.

Dr Malek Hosseini’s Education
  • Internship, Tehran University  of Medicinal Sciences, 1974-1978
  • General Surgery Residency, Shiraz School of Medicine, 1982-1986
  • Fellowship in kidney transplantation, Shahid Beheshti School of Medicine, Tehran, Iran, 1987-1988
  • Research fellowship in liver transplantation, Pittsburgh, The United States, 1990-1992
  • Research fellowship at King’s College London, England, 2001
Dr Malek Hosseini’s Positions
  • Head of Organ Transplant Unit, Department of Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 1989-present
  • President of Faghihi Hospital, Shiraz, Iran, 1987-89
  • Examiner at Iranian Board of General Surgery, 1991- Present
  • Vice President of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 1992-1994
  • President of  Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 1994
  • Assistant professor of General Surgery, 1997- Present
  • Member of the editorial board of the Archive of Surgery journal, 2001
  • Member of Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences, 2005
  • President of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation (MESOT), 2012-2014
Dr Malek Hosseini’s Achievements
  • Founder of Kidney Transplantation Department of Shiraz Medicine School, 1987 (expanded to Organ Transplantation Department in 1992)
  • Performing the first liver transplant in Iran in 1992
  • Performing the first partial liver transplant in Iran in 1998
  • Performing the first liver transplant from adult to adult in Iran in 2002
Dr Malek Hosseini’s Participations in Scientific Meetings
  • 2nd International Congress of Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation (MESOT), Kuwait, 1990
  • 4th International Congress of Geographic Medicine, Shiraz, Iran, 1991
  • 4th MESOT congress, Isfahan, Iran, 1994
  • 8th International Congress of Geographic Medicine, Shiraz, Iran, 1995
  • 12th International Congress of Nephrology, Spain, Madrid, 1995
  • Workshop in teaching strategies and assessment, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 1996
  • 6th MESOT congress, Karachi, Pakistan, 1998
  • British Cancer Research conference, Leeds, England, 2001
  • 7th Congress of Asian Society of Organ transplantation, New Delhi, India, 2002
  • 16th International Congress of Geographic Medicine, Shiraz, Iran, 2003
  • 8th Congress of Asian Society of Transplantation (AST), Malaysia, May 2004
  • Canadian Society of Nephrology annual meeting, Toronto, Canada, September 2004
  • National Congress of Pediatrics, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2004
  • 17th International Congress of Geographic Medicine (renal diseases and hypertension), Shiraz, Iran, Dec. 2004
  • 4th National Congress of Gastrohepatology, From Bed to Bench, Tehran, Iran, 2004
  • 9th MESOT congress, Ankara, Turkey, Dec. 2004
  • 9th Annual Iranian Congress of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, Tehran, Iran, April 2005
  • 20th International Congress of Transplantation Society, Obergurgl, Austria, April, 2005
  • 8th Meeting of the Turkish Transplantation Society, Ankara, Turkey, June 2005
  • 3rd world congress of International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA), Innsbruck, Austria, August 2005
  • 12th ESOT Congress & 14th ETCO Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2005

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