Dr. Alireza Mohebbi


Languages: English, Persian


 Nose and Facial Plastic Surgeon




Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Facial Implants (chin, cheek and jaw implants)



Years of Experience

Dr. Alireza Mohebbi


Languages: English, Persian


 Nose and Facial Plastic Surgeon




Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Facial Implants (chin, cheek and jaw implants)



Years of Experience

doctor Alireza Mohebbi nose and facial plastic surgeon in Tehran, Iran

● Nose and Facial Plastic Surgeon
● Associate Professor of Iran University medical of sciences
● A member of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
● A member of the Iranian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
● A member of the ENT and Head, and Neck Research Center

Dr. Alireza Mohebbi is an associate professor at the Iran University of Medical Sciences, one of the best universities in Iran. He graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2003 and since then he has started his activity as a faculty member in Rasoul Akram and Firoozgar hospitals.

Since 2005 he has been working as the head of the short-term rhinology course and since 2010, he has been working as the head of the rhinology fellowship. He has completed advanced courses in rhinoplasty, including endoscopic sinus surgery and cranial base surgery in the United States, Austria, and the United Kingdom.
His main field of activity and research is rhinoplasty, endoscopic sinus surgery, cranial base and objective tests to measure nasal airway resistance. However, he is also highly skilled in eyelid surgery and facial implants such as chin, cheek and jaw implants.

Dr. Mohebbi is a member of the American and Iranian Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery and a member of the ENT and Head and Neck Research Center, who has conducted numerous studies in this field and has published numerous papers.

Certificates & Documents of Dr. Alireza Mohebbi

Academic Publications by Dr. Mohebbi

  • Local eosinophils are associated with increased IgA subclass levels in the sinonasal mucosa of chronic rhinosinusitis with polyp patients
  • Investigating Human Papilloma Virus Types in Sinonasal Papilloma Using Polymerase Chain Reaction: Is It Really a Prerequisite for Nasal Papilloma Formation?
  • Effect of the tongue-in-groove technique on the smile form
  • Coincidence of COVID-19 epidemic and olfactory dysfunction outbreak in Iran
  • Coincidence of COVID-19 epidemic and olfactory dysfunction outbreak. medRxiv
  • Determining the effect of PRP on improving endoscopic sinus surgery
  • Local Recurrence and Neck Metastasis of Sinonasal Teratocarcinosarcoma: A Case Report and review of Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy Indications
  • Investigation of Olfactory Function Following Septorhinoplasty in Iranian Population by Rapid Smell Test (RST)

  • Determining the effect of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on improving endoscopic sinus surgery: A randomized clinical trial study (RCT)
  • Frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in Iranian chronic rhinosinusitis patients
  • Characterization of gastrointestinal human cytomegalovirus infection in biopsy samples from urease positive patients
  • From Allergic Rhinitis to Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak: A rare Case Report of Sphenoid Sinus Defect
  • Levels of total IgA and IgA subclasses in the serum of chronic rhinosinusitis patients
  • The sphenoid sinus, foramen rotundum and vidian canal: a radiological study of anatomical relationships
  • Enhanced Th1 and Th2 immune response induction by Human Papilloma virus Type 16 E7 DNA vaccine in a tumoric murine model
  • CenoDerm vs. Fascia lata for the prevention of dorsal nasal irregularities in Rhinoplasty
  • Defining the best nasal tip projection among Iranian women
  • Repositioned lateral crural flap technique for cephalic malposition in rhinoplasty
  • Short-term cohort study on sensorineural hearing changes in head and neck radiotherapy
  • Comparison of sheep grazing behavior at different slopes of semi-steppe rangelands (Karsanak, Sarali Abad, Saral, Gavan ban and Qorveh).
  • Rhinoplasty complications
  • Assessment of lamp and PCR techniques in staphylococcus aureus rhinosinusitis detection
  • Sphenoid sinus mucocele as a cause of isolated pupil-sparing oculomotor nerve palsy mimicking diabetic ophthalmoplegia
  • Endoscopic evaluation of pterygopalatine fossa in adult Iranian cadavers
  • An epidemiologic study of factors associated with nasal septum deviation by computed tomography scan: a cross sectional study
  • Effects of maxillary advancement and impaction on nasal airway function
  • Study of genetic variation and drought resistance in accessions of Agropyron elongatum by morphological traits and drought resistance indices.
  • Rare presentation of rhino-orbital-cerebral zygomycosis: bilateral facial nerve palsy
  • Active anterior rhinomanometric (AAR) evaluation of nasal airway resistance in normal Iranian sample
  • Endonasal endoscopic management of contact point headache and diagnostic criteria
  • Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology
  • Nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma in an adult case
  • Hydatid cyst of the parotid gland
  • Nasopharyngeal neuroendocrine carcinoma: a case report.
  • A case of rhinolithiasis
  • The Role of Sinonasal Endoscopic Surgery in the Treatment of Sinonasal Headaches
  • Assessment of Nasal Volume and Cross-sectional Area in Normal Adult Iranian Population by Acoustic Rhinometry
  • Assessment of nasal volume and cross-sectional area by acoustic rhinometry in a sample of normal adult Iranians
  • Primary Hydatid Disease of the Parotid Gland: Report of a Rare Case
  • A case report of Nasopharyngeal Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
  • Amyloidosis with Primary Manifestation in Larynx: Diagnosis, Pathophysiology and Treatment
  • A detailed investigation of particulate dispersion from Kerman cement plant
  • A case of systemic amyloidosis with primary manifestation in larynx: diagnosis, pathophysiology and treatment
  • Comparison of hearing results from one-stage ossicular chain reconstruction during tympanomastodectomy in the presence of stapes with results of reconstruction to a second
  • A Case of Unspecified Route of Forgotten Entities in Maxillary Sinus
  • An Interesting Case Report of Frontal Sinus Keratocyst
  • Evaluation of The Improvement of Clinical and Radiological Scores with Doxycycline in the Treatment of Nasal Polyposis: A Randomized Double Blind Clinical Trial
  • An extension on the md-sf-pf model and solving by computational fliud dynamics


Dr. Mohebbi

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