Brow Bone Reduction in Iran

Gain the aesthetic look you have always dreamed of with affordable brow bone reduction surgery in Iran as a part of a complete feminization process.

Brow Bone Reduction in Iran

Gain the aesthetic look you have always dreamed of with affordable brow bone reduction surgery in Iran as a part of a complete feminization process.

The protruded forehead is one of the most important masculine features of a man’s face. That is why many women, end even men, who suffer from forehead protruding seek to have a brow bone reduction surgery, also known as Neanderthal forehead surgery, to eliminate or reduce forehead protruding. In this article, we explain about this operation and the advantages of having a forehead brow bone reduction in Iran. Please read on to learn more about all aspects of this surgery.

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Why Iran for Brow Bone Reduction?

Iran is one of the leading countries in the field of cosmetic and plastic surgeries, well known for its affordable prices, and possesses one of the highest success rates in this surgery worldwide. Neanderthal forehead surgery in Iran is no exception in this, because this surgery is sought to be done in Iran by many patients from all over the world.

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Arranging your medical trip with AriaMedTour is one of the fastest ways to get everything done in no time. AiraMedTour will take care of everything you need, starting with your free consultation, helping you choose the perfect hospital, surgeon, and procedure to make sure you gain the desired results, helping you collecting the treatment visa, providing your with professional assistance and interpretation, and ending with getting you back to your normal life in no time.

How much does bone brow reduction cost in Iran?

The cost of a brow bone reduction procedure falls in the range of $8,000 to $9,000 worldwide, which is considered relatively expensive. Luckily, Iran offers the same surgical procedure, performed by the most experienced surgeons, using the most advanced technology for a reasonable price. The cost of brow bone reduction in Iran ranges between $3,000 and $4,000, depending on the clinic, and the type of the condition.

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Brow Bone Reduction in Iran: All you need to know

Brow bone reduction surgery or Neanderthal forehead surgery is a delicate surgical procedure that can be done in order to get rid of an over-masculine look. This procedure is typically performed for aesthetic purposes and as a part of a facial feminization process.

What is Neanderthal forehead condition?

The forehead as one of the major parts of the face occupies up to one-third of its total surface area. However, major differences can be seen between males and females in terms of the frontal hairline. Also, the bottom of the forehead outlined by the eyebrows and the brow bones (which are known as the ridges of skull bone) shows major facial differences between the two sexes, as the shape of the bony forehead and the prominence of the brow ridges (known as neanderthal forehead ridges) helps differ the masculine from the feminine appearance.

However, when the bone ridge running across the forehead above the eyes, known as brow bossing, exceeds the ranges of acceptable brow protrusion, it causes the condition of over-masculine forehead known as “Neanderthal Forehead”. Many types of frontal brow bossing can be categorized as “Neanderthal”. For instance, sloping forehead, protruding forehead, and flat forehead are all considered “neanderthal”.

What causes neanderthal forehead?

One common underlying cause is acromegaly, which is a chronic disorder that leads to an overproduction of growth hormone. Hands, feet, jaws, and skull bones of the body become larger than normal for people with this condition. However, many other potential causes contribute to frontal bossing or Neanderthal Forehead, such as:

  • Use of the antiseizure drug trimethadione during pregnancy
  • Congenital syphilis
  • Basal cell nevus syndrome
  • Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
  • Cleidocranial dysostosis
  • Pfeiffer syndrome
  • Crouzon syndrome
  • Hurler syndrome
  • Russell-Silver syndrome
  • Rickets
  • Abnormal growths in the forehead or skull
  • Certain types of anemia, that cause increased, but ineffective, production of red blood cells by the bone marrow.

How is brow bone reduction done and how many types of it are there?

There are four types of brow bone reduction procedures, each of which depends on the degree of prominence of the brow bone, the thickness of the frontal sinus wall, and the size of your frontal sinus and forehead in general.

Type 1 brow bone reduction – Shaving

Some patients may have a very small sinus with a thick frontal sinus wall. In this case, the excess amount of bone can just be burred away. This condition is called a ‘type I forehead’, and this procedure is referred to as ‘feminizing the forehead’. Many surgeons today can perform only this procedure, but only a small percentage of patients end up with good result with this technique.

Type 2 brow bone reduction – Shaving and Filling

This procedure is done properly when the projection angle between the nose and the forehead is already satisfying. In this case, the surgeon tend to treat only the concavity behind the bossing by filling the concave area above the bossing with bone cement.

Type 3 brow bone reduction — Forehead reconstruction

This procedure, which is performed the most, is called ‘type III forehead’ procedure. During this procedure, the anterior wall of the frontal sinus bone is removed, remodeled, and returned to its perfect place.

Type 4 brow bone reduction — Forehead reconstruction and Filling

Sometimes, reconstruction is not enough. In such cases, it is necessary to use a combination of forehead reconstruction and some filling with bone cement as required to get the desired forehead slope.

Who is an Ideal candidate for a forehead brow bone reduction?

Any healthy adult who feels that his/her forehead and brow are detracting from his/her appearance can undergo this surgery. However, the most common patients are transgender and cisgender women who are seeking a facial or head feminization surgery in order to improve the look of their masculine-looking forehead. Furthermore, brow bone reduction surgery can usually be done in order to reduce the forehead protrusion, improve the curve of the forehead, or correct a forehead bone depression.

Does brow bone reduction have any risks?

When it comes to eyebrow bone reduction surgery, the risks are not much of medical risks. However, the complexity of this surgical procedure makes it more difficult and complicated than many other surgical procedures.

The main problem with shaving the brow bone is the risk of burring right into the frontal sinus cavity, as most of the brow prominence is composed by air from the sinus cavity underneath instead of bone. However, in simpler cases, the glabellar area, which is the part of the brow bone between the eyebrows, often will have no frontal sinus cavity underneath so it may be able to be reduced much more.

Are there any possible complications for brow bone reduction surgery?

No surgical procedure is totally free of complications. Although it is considered safe, Neanderthal brow surgery might be accompanied by the following complications:

  • Changed feeling of the scalp. As the skin is detached from the bone during the forehead recontouring, it is possible for the feeling in the scalp to change. In most cases, sensation returns to normal within one year.
  • Double vision in certain directions.
  • Unexpected facial asymmetry.
  • Non-satisfying aesthetic result.
  • Changes to the shape of the frontal sinus could affect the resonance (amplification of vocal sounds).
  • Reduced sensation of the forehead skin.
  • The possibility of an Infection.

How much time does it take to recover after the surgery?

For the first 24 hours after the surgery, it is common for the eyes to be completely swollen shut, as the swelling and bruising are extending down around the eyes, in addition to experiencing a certain degree of pain and soreness. Therefore, it is necessary for a friend, family member or caretaker to help the patient for the first couple of days. Sutures and clips will be removed one week after the surgery.

The prescribed compressive dressing will be removed after one week in order to allow the treated area to be cleaned. As expected, the scalp and forehead may be numb for several months. Finally, if the incision is made in the hairline, hair starts to grow after 2-6 months.

Is there a way to perform brow bone reduction non-surgically?

Despite the high success rate of the surgical procedure, some patients choose to achieve their aesthetic goals with a non-surgical approach that includes using fillers.

Botox brow lift or Botox Neanderthal forehead can be considered a non-surgical alternative to the brow bone reduction surgery. However, even non-surgical approaches may have many complications and side effects. For instance, headaches, soreness, and numbness are reported by most of the patients. In rare cases, severe brow bone reduction side effects that include breathing difficulties, droopy brows or eyelids, problems with swallowing, and speech changes have been reported.

Is it common to perform brow bone reduction procedure for males?

For males, brow bone reduction surgery reduces an over-masculine or “Neanderthal” forehead and restores a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. The surgery will result in a brow bone that is in proportion with the other facial features. Additionally, where significant hairline recession or male pattern hair loss has occurred, a forehead reduction is often elected as an alternative to hair transplant surgery. However, it requires multiple sessions over a longer period of time to achieve the desired results.

What is the process of “Feminizing” the brow bone?

For facial feminization forehead surgery patients, the forehead or brow ridge bone contouring procedure will alter the masculine appearance around the forehead and upper eye areas and result in features that are more feminine. Forehead contouring and reduction surgery for patients seeking “a feminizing process” involves shaping the forehead bones and orbital bones to remove the masculine ridge, opening up the appearance of the eyes, and creating a more naturally feminine and softer appearance.

What is endoscopic brow bone reduction?

The procedure of endoscopic eyebrow bone reduction of frontal bossing is a safe and effective minimally-invasive procedure that results in very little swelling or bruising. A hidden inconspicuous incision will be made in the scalp along the hairline, which means very few scars will appear and they will be difficult for even the patient to notice, resulting in a much faster healing process a and a shorter recovery time.

However, this procedure is restricted to a very few patients whose brow bone thickness allows visible improvement with a burring technique. It is medically known that the preferred bone thickness in order to achieve aesthetically pleasing results is at least 5 mm as a 1 or 2 mm reduction will not make any noticeable difference, but a 3 to 4 mm reduction will make a discernible reduction in the amount of frontal bossing.

How can I arrange my medical trip to have brow bone reduction in Iran?

The process could not get any easier. You can simply contact AriaMedTour directly using one of the numbers provided on the website, or you can just click the “Get a Free Consultation” button, and fill the form. Our specialists are ready to help you 24/7.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brow Bone Reduction Surgery

Brow Bone Reduction surgery is a delicate surgical procedure that takes typically 2 to 3 hours. The surgery is performed through a scalp incision way back from the frontal edge of the hairline. The outer portion of the prominent brow bone is removed and reshaped to create a flatter appearance.

The procedure is highly successful with healthy patients, and the only potential issues are aesthetic in nature, as the risk of asymmetry of the bones and some persistent forehead numbness are common.

Despite all the measures taken to avoid the swelling, you may still have some swelling for at least a week or two. Furthermore, it is common to have some minor swelling that may last up to two months.

This procedure typically leaves a scar. However, the scar from the incision will be visible for several months only, as it will slowly lightens, turns into pale pink and eventually fades away. In most cases, new hairs eventually grow through the scar and help to hide it.

The surgical procedure takes around 2-3 hours to be completed. However, it is necessary to stay for at least a week in a hotel before you can travel and go back to your normal life.

Patients will undergo general anesthesia for this surgical procedure.

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