Get rid of your bunion at the best hospitals in Iran
offered by AriaMedTour at the lowest prices.
Get rid of your bunion at the best hospitals in Iran
offered by AriaMedTour at the lowest prices.
Bunion surgery is a complex but effective treatment for the unpleasant and sometimes painful presence of a bunion. This procedure can offer fantastic results if performed by a proficient foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon. That is why AriaMedTour has handpicked the most renowned Iranian orthopedists for bunion patients from all over the world. You can start your free consultation session right now or get a free quote for bunion surgery by filling out the form above.
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A medical trip documentary:
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Bunion surgery aims to correct the deformity caused by a bunion and help alleviate its symptoms. In addition to relieving the painful symptoms, bunion surgery can enhance the unsightly look of a bunion. Read more to get an in-depth understanding of the procedure and what AriaMedTour offers to international patients.
Bunions, technically called hallux valgus deformity, are bony bumps that appear at the base of the big toe. They emerge when tissue or bone around the joint is enlarged. Most of the times, the condition occurs due to hereditary bone structure and develops slowly during the person’s life. But, wearing shoes that do not fit well or are too narrow can speed up its progress. Aside from running in the family, bunions can also be formed due to conditions such as flat feet, hypermobility of the big toe or arthritis. Some physicians argue that ill-fitting shoes might similarly contribute to the formation of bunions if the person is genetically at risk.
Bunions are bony bumps that appear at the base of the big toe.
Bunionette is another condition related to the bulging lump on the joint. A bunionette is referred to the bulging joint of the little toe. It is also known as tailors’ bunion. Tailors used to spend hours sitting crossed leg. Hence, the outside of their feet usually developed bulging lumps.
Bunions do not concern most people as long as they are simply bony bumps on the side of their feet. But these lumps might eventually grow and stick out. This can lead to pain and further push the big toe sideways. As a result, you might experience certain symptoms including:
These symptoms usually deteriorate as you age. The more you ignore the initial symptoms of a bunion, the worse they can get. In some cases, the condition might result in complications such as arthritis or joint displacement of the second toe. At this stage, surgical correction is a permanent option to correct the deformity and provide pain relief. You could visit a physician in order to seek medical treatment for the sore and tender bump on your foot. She/he might recommend using simple non-surgical methods such as orthopedic shoes, pads, custom-made shoe inserts, splint or medications. Sometimes, these options offer temporary relief from painful symptoms. But in other cases, the treatments cannot help the patient. To get rid of the pain and correct the deformity for good, doctors often recommend an orthopedic procedure known as bunion surgery. The unsightly appearance of a bunion is a major concern for patients. Although commercial corrective products are available in the market, they only relive the pain and cannot reverse the bulging joint, pushing many patients toward the surgical treatment option. Some patients even seek bunion correction surgery for cosmetic reasons only. By correcting the bulging joint, cosmetic bunionectomy can also prevent more severe complications like arthritis. As much as the hallux valgus surgery is minimally invasive, it is not without complications. The recovery can take up to 6 months and precautions must be taken before deciding to undergo the surgery. Therefore, it is vital to weigh up the risks and benefits of bunion surgery before jumping into conclusion. You can benefit from professional advice by discussing your situation with a healthcare consultant through AriaMedTour. They will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.
Before and after bunion surgery
There are various types of bunion surgery aiming to either reposition the bone or remove a part of the tissue. Some of these techniques might be performed simultaneously for severe bunions. The surgeon chooses the type of surgery he or she wants to perform depending on certain factors, including:
Most surgical methods to correct a bunion involve bone repositioning. They could also include removing a part of the tissue, realigning ligaments or performing surgery on other toes. The following are the main techniques performed during bunionectomy:
The surgeon cuts a section of the bone to realign the malpositioned joint. This is performed for moderate bunions and is usually done along with repositioning the ligaments. Once the joint is balanced, the break will be fixed using pins, screws, or plates. Sometimes, some bone shaving is also done to remove the excess bone.
This procedure refers to removing some excess bone from the inside of the foot. For optimal results, exostectomy is often performed with osteotomy.
This type of bunionectomy is primarily performed on severe or arthritic bunions. During surgery, the surgeon removes the affected areas and uses screws or wires to hold the bones together during healing.
This is a technique to repair the tendons and ligaments that are causing an imbalance. In most cases, this method is an adjunctive surgical operation. By repairing the ligament, the surgeon can make sure the bunion does not recur. Joint replacement In rare cases, the joint inflammation is so severe that the surgeon has to remove the entire joint and use joint replacements instead.
The surgeon will select the surgical procedure suitable for your situation by examining your foot. Then, you will be asked to take some tests and prepare for the procedure. The procedure itself might take about an hour; but you will be asked to arrive at the medical center a couple of hours earlier and stay for about 2 hours after the surgery. When the procedure is performed on both feet (called a double bunionectomy), it could take more than an hour. The first step of surgery is anesthesia. Usually, ankle block anesthesia (keeping the patient wide awake while numbing the foot) is used for bunion removal surgery. But in some cases, general or spinal anesthesia might be used too. Then, the surgeon makes an incision over the lump on the joint of the big toe. Using the techniques mentioned above, he or she will then remove the bunion and reposition the bone alignment. Then, the opening will be closed using stitches.
There are many reasons why Iran is one of the main destinations for orthopedic patients. By choosing Iran, you can make sure you will receive premium quality service at equipped medical centers and under the knife of professional doctors. You will also be offered a competitive price far lower than any other country with the same quality.
If you pay out-of-pocket, bunion surgery can cost as much as $20,000 per foot. But the high price of surgery doesn’t have to prevent you from getting rid of that pesky bunion. Few countries offer quality bunion surgery at affordable prices. Iran provides high-quality bunion treatment options at only a fraction of the price found elsewhere in the world. To learn more about the cost of bunion surgery in Iran, you can get a free quote online right now.
Iranian orthopedists are attentive to the needs and expectations of their patients. They are extremely devoted and make sure you are provided with the best result possible. Having received their fellowships at some of the best universities in Iran and around the globe, Iranian orthopedic surgeons use the most recent medical knowledge to perform each procedure. Be it a knee replacement procedure or bunion removal surgery, they perform each and every procedure with the utmost dedication.
It is a daunting decision to undergo bunion surgery abroad. But, by choosing the right medical tourism facilitator, your every single requirement will be taken care of. In addition to trip planning and visa arrangements, AriaMedTour provides you with an on-call health care team support, interpreter, and transfer services.
Once you make up your mind to undergo bunion surgery in Iran, AriaMedTour will be at your service to help you make the most of your trip. We strive to ensure your experience in Iran is more than receiving treatment alone. By providing visa, flight, accommodation, and trip planning services, you can focus on preparing for your procedure and leave all the rest to us. On your arrival, you will be received by an interpreter who is to accompany you during the journey. On the appointment date that is set in advance, you and your doctor will have a consultation session. He or she will explain the procedure and help you learn about the preparation steps and things you should expect after the surgery. On the day of surgery, you will visit the hospital. Our hospitals enjoy International Patients Departments (IPDs), which are specially staffed and equipped to take care of everything from pre-op tests to post-op recovery. As a result, you can rest assure that you won’t feel like an outsider in a hospital far from home. After the surgery, you will either spend a night at the hospital or leave after a few hours. After you leave the hospital, AriaMedTour’s care team will be in charge to check on you on a regular basis. In a couple of weeks, you will have another appointment with your doctor to make sure your recovery progress is going well. With the surgeon’s approval you can fly back home after a few weeks.
Tests and examinations are a vital part of every procedure. Before the surgery, your doctor may ask for your complete medical history and then perform several tests, including:
You might be advised to take certain measures before the surgery. These instructions may vary based on your physical condition and the type of bunion surgery. The main tips you should follow before bunion surgery are as follows:
While bunion surgery itself won’t take more than an hour or two, its recovery can last about 3 to 6 months. Healing after a bunion removal procedure can be difficult and complex. It is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions rigorously to ensure a safe and effective recovery. Immediately after the surgery, you will be sent to the recovery room. Once your vital signs are stable, you will be taken to a hospital room. Most patients are discharged from the hospital in a few hours. In some cases, however, a one-night hospital stay might be required. Your stitches will be removed within 2 weeks. In the meantime, you’ll wear a surgical shoe or cast. It is important not to get the incisional area wet. You can wear a plastic bag to cover your foot during showering. Take the medications prescribed by your doctor as instructed. Your healthcare provider may prescribe pain-killers to relieve the discomfort and antibiotics to prevent infection. Once the stitches are removed, you will be asked to wear a brace to help stabilize your foot during healing. Running or putting excessive pressure on your feet will probably be prohibited during the first few weeks. Using a walker, assistive cane, crutches or a wheelchair can help you move about the room on your own. You might be able to drive after two or three weeks. Physical therapy may or may not be necessary after the surgery. Make sure you perform the exercises advised by your doctor for efficient healing.
Any surgical operation has some degree of risks and bunion surgery is no exception. Some possible complications after bunion surgery include:
In very rare cases, there is also the risk of bunion recurrence. Anesthesia can also lead to some complications in itself. By learning about the procedure and choosing a highly experienced surgeon, you can minimize the risks. It’s okay to be concerned about the procedure; you can share your uncertainties with one of our medical consultants during a free online consultation.
When can I walk after bunion surgery?
It depends on the type of bunion surgery that is performed. In most cases, you should be able to walk on your feet immediately after the surgery. But it is recommended to put as less pressure on your feet as possible.
Will bunion return after surgery?
According to a study, there is a 17% chance of bunion recurrence in the months following bunion surgery. By choosing a highly skilled and experienced surgeon and following your surgeon’s instructions during recovery, you can minimize these risks.
Does bunion surgery require pins and screws?
In a majority of cases, the surgeon is likely to perform the bone fusion technique which can involve using pins, screws, or plates.
Is bunion surgery painful?
Bunion surgery can be followed by a moderate pain. The discomfort can be controlled using pain-killers prescribed by your surgeon.
Can bunion surgery be covered by insurance?
Most health insurances do not cover bunion surgery unless the symptoms are limiting the patient’s daily activities. If you want to undergo surgery to enhance the appearance of your feet or to avoid severe symptoms, you may have to pay out-of-pocket.
Does bunion surgery leave a scar?
Scarring is inevitable after bunion surgery. But the type of surgery can determine the extent of scarring.
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