Wisdom Teeth Removal in Iran

Wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure in which one or more wisdom teeth are extracted.

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Iran

Wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure in which one or more wisdom teeth are extracted.

Most people have between one and four wisdom teeth, but some do not have any. Wisdom teeth are the third set of molar teeth that usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25.
At this time you may have 4 wisdom teeth in the back corners of the oral cavity. In most people, at least one of the wisdom teeth is impacted due to a lack of space for growth. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection, or other oral problems. At this time, it is recommended that you extract one or more of them.

If an X-ray shows that your wisdom teeth need to be extracted, you should have a wisdom tooth extracted by a dentist or oral surgeon.
In this procedure, the surgeon removes the wisdom teeth all at once or in pieces by making an incision in the gums. You will not feel any pain because the surgery is performed under local anesthesia or intravenous sedation.
Wisdom teeth removal in Iran, for whatever reason, prevents the complications mentioned above and any damage to the surrounding teeth and bones.

Keep reading to learn more about wisdom teeth removal in Iran.

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Before & After Photos

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Why Iran?

People who wish to have dental procedures like wisdom tooth removal can find it convenient to travel to Iran.
Due to the availability of top-notch hospitals and clinics, as well as skilled doctors, Iranian medical services are renowned.
A variety of factors, including politics, contribute to Iran’s currency’s poor performance against the dollar.
Therefore, you will be able to get the best medical care at a great price.

Why AriaMedTour?

Ariamedtour specializes in introducing foreign patients to the best Iranian hospitals and doctors. Furthermore, we provide visa applications, accommodations, and tours for applicants.

At AriaMedtour:

  • Our team of medical professionals offers free medical consultations and free pricing estimates.
  • If you’re looking for physicians and hospitals in Iran, our staff can help.
  • In Iran, you will be guided by an English- or your native-language-speaking guide.
  • We’re in charge of everything (visa, flight, transfer, accommodation, treatment).
  • Your safety and the highest quality medical and health care are our top priorities, so we’ll do everything we can to assist you to go back home securely.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Iran

Compared to other countries, wisdom teeth removal costs are significantly lower in Iran. Iran’s average cost of wisdom teeth removal is $80.
The main reasons for this are:

  • Iran has a large number of clinics for dental services.
  • Iran has a large number of applicants for dental services, especially tooth extractions.
  • Iran’s currency has a low value when compared to the currencies of other countries.

Due to these factors, dentistry services in Iran are very affordable despite having experienced and prominent dentists and oral surgeons, advanced equipment, and modern facilities.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Iran: All You Need to Know

When to do wisdom teeth removal?

With dental X-rays and routine dental appointments, your dentist can monitor the progress of wisdom teeth. A wisdom tooth is extracted to correct a current problem or prevent any future problems that may arise. These are some of the problems that can occur with wisdom teeth:

  • It is possible for them to become impacted and unable to break through your gums if your jaw is too small for them.
  • You may develop a flap of the gum tissue over your wisdom teeth if they break through the gums. You may develop red, swollen, and painful gums if food and germs collect under the flap. These are symptoms of an infection.
  • An impacted wisdom tooth can cause more serious problems, such as painful inflammation, infection, damage to other teeth and bones, or a cyst.
  • The top of any of your wisdom teeth may emerge at an unusual angle, facing forward, backward, or on either side.

In each case, it is up to the attending dentist to determine whether to extract teeth that are already problematic or whether to prevent such complications while the teeth are still symptom-free.

The Four Most Common Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The Four Most Common Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Before wisdom teeth removal in Iran

Before scheduling the procedure, the dentist requests some dental x-rays. Those who are pregnant or have chronic diseases should tell their dentist. Patients with compromised immune systems or histories of serious medical conditions (such as damaged or replaced heart valves, liver diseases, joint replacements, or bacterial endocarditis) will often be prescribed antibiotics before and after the procedure. Patients shouldn’t smoke for at least 24 hours before their surgery.

How is wisdom teeth removal in Iran done?

Wisdom teeth can be removed in several ways. The decision is based on whether the teeth have erupted or are still hidden in the jawbone. Wisdom teeth that have already erupted can be easily extracted under local anesthesia, just like other teeth.

A dentist or oral surgeon must cut through the layers of tissue covering the wisdom teeth if they are still in the jawbone. Bones and mucous membranes are removed. To remove the wisdom tooth, the tooth is crushed into several pieces in its cave. The wound is sutured up at the end. This procedure can also be done under local anesthesia. Nonetheless, if more wisdom teeth are being extracted or if the patient fears the noise and pain during the procedure, general anesthesia may be recommended.

Stitches usually remain for 7-10 days before they can be removed. In this period, regular check-ups are conducted to monitor the wound’s healing.

How long does wisdom teeth removal take?

The operation takes about 20 minutes for one tooth and can take up to over an hour if all four wisdom teeth are removed. Impacted wisdom teeth in the jaw, which require preparation through layers of tissue, take much longer than pulling a visible wisdom tooth with forceps.

What to consider after wisdom teeth removal in Iran?

If you have received local anesthesia, your recovery time will be short and you will likely rest for a while in a dental chair. But if you have received sedation anesthesia or general anesthesia, you may need to stay in the recovery room for some time after the operation.

After sedation or general anesthesia has been administered, it should be made clear how the patient will be able to return home. As there is no driving ability and the orientation can be foggy, it is recommended to bring an attendant with you.

During the recovery period after surgery, you should follow your dentist’s instructions. Things you need to know about the recovery period after wisdom teeth removal in Iran are:

Pain and swelling after wisdom teeth removal

After the operation, pain and swelling may occur. Pain relievers and cooling pads can help. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, are usually sufficient to control pain. But if you have had bone removal surgery, you may need stronger painkillers that will be prescribed by your dentist or oral surgeon. You can also greatly reduce pain and swelling by keeping a cold compress on the jaw and cheeks near the surgical site.

Swelling of the cheeks usually resolves after 2 to 3 days, but bruises may take a few more days to heal completely.

Rest more on the day of the wisdom teeth removal

Plan to rest completely on the day of surgery. You can resume your daily activities the day after surgery but refrain from any strenuous activity for at least a week.

Be gentle with your mouth on the first days after surgery

On the first day, you should not brush your teeth. Even rinsing and using mouthwash are not allowed. You can start your oral routine 24 hours later. In the first days following the operation, the patient should brush his teeth with a soft toothbrush. It is also recommended that you rinse your mouth with warm (not hot!) saltwater every two hours and immediately after anything you eat. And keep doing this for at least a week after wisdom teeth removal in Iran.

How to eat after wisdom teeth removal in Iran

If painless chewing is still not possible, prepare soft foods such as soups, puddings, or baby food. You should avoid eating hard, chewy, hot, or spicy foods because they may get trapped at the surgery site or irritate the wound.

Bleeding after wisdom teeth removal in Iran

Some blood discharge after wisdom teeth removal in Iran is normal. Try not to spit blood out, but try to stop the bleeding by squeezing sterile gauze over the surgical site.

Stay hydrated after surgery

It is important to drink plenty of water after surgery. However, consumption of any alcoholic, caffeinated, carbonated, or hot beverage is prohibited for at least 24 hours. You should also not drink anything with a straw as it may cause bleeding from the surgical site.

Don’t smoke after wisdom teeth removal in Iran

Smokers should not smoke for at least three days after surgery because smoking delays the healing process and increases the risk of postoperative complications. Chewing tobacco is also prohibited for at least a week.

Stitches after wisdom teeth removal in Iran

The extraction of wisdom teeth does not always require stitches. When a suture is needed, most surgeons use dissolvable stitches. In any case, if your stitches are non-dissolvable, make sure to have them removed at the time prescribed by your surgeon.

Dos and Don’ts after wisdom teeth removal in Iran

Dos Don’ts
  • Put an ice pack on your face to reduce swelling or skin color changes.
  • Apply moist heat to a sore jaw.
  • Open and close your mouth gently to exercise your jaw.
  • You should eat soft foods like pasta, rice, or soup.
  • Make sure you drink plenty of fluids.
  • Start brushing your teeth the second day. Avoid brushing against blood clots.
  • To reduce swelling or pain, take the drugs your doctor prescribes.
  • If your pain or swelling doesn’t improve, or if you have a fever, contact your doctor.
  • Straws should not be used when drinking. By sucking, you may loosen blood clots that help your mouth heal.
  • Avoid rinsing your mouth too harshly. Your doctor may recommend rinsing gently with salt water.
  • Avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that can scratch your wounds.
  • Smoke doesn’t do you any good. Smoking can slow the healing process.

What are the risks of wisdom teeth removal?

During the operation, surrounding tissue structures can be injured. It also includes nerves and blood vessels. It can cause temporary numbness and small bleeding. In rare cases, inflammation or infection may occur. After the surgery, most people experience swelling and pain in the jaw area. It should take 3 to 5 days for these to improve.

If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, nausea and vomiting may occur afterwards. Young women who have already experienced motion sickness or anesthetic sickness are more susceptible.

Any of these symptoms, which may indicate infection, nerve damage, or another serious issue, should be brought to the attention of your dentist or oral surgeon:

  • Pain that is unbearable despite using pain medicines.
  • Increased swelling after 2 to 3 days.
  • Breathing or swallowing difficulties.
  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Fever.
  • Inability to feel for long periods.
  • Nasal discharge with blood or pus.
  • A persistent bad taste in your mouth.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal procedures can take between two and three days, depending on the patient. It also matters what kind of work you do. You may need to take more time off from work if your job involves strenuous activities.

Since numbing medication will be applied to the area, you shouldn’t feel any pain when the wisdom teeth are removed. You should let your dentist or oral surgeon know if you feel pain during the procedure so they can administer more anesthesia.

Experts recommend removing wisdom teeth before they cause any problems, so many dental professionals have recommended wisdom tooth removal for years. Some dentists no longer recommend it due to the risks of anesthesia and surgery, as well as the high cost of the procedure.

You may experience pain and swelling in the gum tissue and tooth socket after your wisdom tooth is removed and bleeding that will last for about 24 hours. It is also possible that you struggle to open your jaw or have pain while doing so (trismus).

Your oral surgeon may recommend that you have all four of your wisdom teeth removed even if only one or two of them are causing you pain. It all depends on the condition of your wisdom teeth and the discretion of your dentist or oral surgeon.

After wisdom teeth are removed, you are unlikely to experience significant changes in your face shape. Wisdom tooth extractions offer many benefits to you, outweighing any risk of changing your face shape.

The doctors believe that all wisdom teeth should be removed at once if you have wisdom teeth and are considering wisdom teeth removal with sedation dentistry. The advantage of this is that multiple surgeries would be less expensive, less time-consuming, less uncomfortable, and less inconvenient.

Some people believe that wisdom teeth extraction is difficult and painful. However, it’s not half as difficult as some might think. The whole treatment is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia so that during the surgery, you will not feel any pain or discomfort. You can also take painkillers after the procedure to prevent any pain or discomfort.

A wisdom tooth can become stuck within the jaw (impacted) if it is unable to emerge normally. A cyst or infection can result from this, damaging other teeth roots, or bone support.

There is a misconception that the removal of difficult wisdom teeth may require “breaking the jaw.” In reality, this never happens.

Despite their tragic nature, deaths like Olenick’s and Kingery’s are rare, according to the American Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Data from the association show that patients undergoing anesthesia during oral surgery have one in 365,000 risks of death or brain injury.

The ophthalmic complications caused by dental procedures are rare and include diplopia, strabismus, ptosis, and amaurosis fugax. These complications are mostly caused by the injection of anesthetics into the oral cavity. Furthermore, the extraction of teeth itself may cause ocular complications.

Despite wisdom tooth extraction being surgery and all surgeries having risks, wisdom tooth removal is generally a fairly safe procedure. Patients who have their wisdom teeth removed do not usually experience complications.

During the tooth extraction, you are usually awake. There will be some pressure and some movement, but you shouldn’t experience pain. Your dentist or oral surgeon gives you local anesthesia or sedation anesthesia through an intravenous (IV) line in your arm. Your doctor may choose general anesthesia if there is a fear of surgery or other special conditions.

There is generally mild to moderate discomfort following surgery that can be managed by appropriate postoperative medications, such as Motrin, Advil, Tylenol, or combinations of medications. Patients with wisdom teeth that have become impacted typically undergo IV sedation, either conscious or deep sedation.

You should not eat or drink anything for eight hours before your surgery if you will be having general anesthesia. During anesthesia, the presence of liquids or solids can lead to life-threatening complications. However, since most cases of wisdom teeth removal in Iran are performed under local anesthesia or IV sedative, drinking or eating before surgery is not prohibited.

When teeth are impacted, they can become infected, and the infection can spread to the sinuses, or even to the brain or circulatory system. Untreated, this can lead to heart disease, brain damage, or even death.

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