Chalazion Treatment in Iran

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Chalazion Treatment in Iran

Are you considering Iran for chalazion treatment? Try AriaMedTour’s all-inclusive medical tours to ensure an effective treatment plan.

Are you done with the lesion on your eyelid that does not seem to recede on its own? A severe chalazion or stye, technically called hordeolum, can interfere with your vision in addition to damaging your appearance. In most cases, you can get rid of a chalazion using a warm compress or home treatments recommended by an eye doctor. However, when the condition persists for months, an ophthalmologist might recommend professional approaches. Steroid injection and surgical removal of chalazion are two common, effective, and quick methods to have the lesion removed. This article aims to provide you with the necessary information about getting chalazion treatment in Iran.

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Chalazion treatment in Iran: All you need to know

Chalazion treatment is usually initiated by applying a warm compress on the area so that the lesion can drain. Our specialists at AriaMedTour recommend steroid injection or surgical removal when at-home treatments do not work. Yet, before going through more invasive techniques, it is crucial to learn more about chalazia (plural of chalazion) and its removal surgery, including when and how it is done. Chalazion surgery is a type of eye treatment that aims at removing the painful nodules that might appear on the eyelids of adults or children.

Chalazion surgery cost in Iran

While in countries like the USA, a surgery as simple as chalazion removal surgery can cost about $3,797 with insurance, in Iran the price for chalazion surgery falls somewhere between $200 to $400. The exceedingly low price of the surgery in Iran does not compromise on the quality of care in the country. In fact, Iran has a notable reputation for the high quality of care and expertise of its medical specialists.

How to Prepare for Chalazion Surgery in Iran

Chalazion removal is not considered a major surgery and is performed on an outpatient basis in most cases. Yet, being fully prepared for the procedure is vital, especially considering the fact that you might prefer to have it done far away from home, in Iran.

As with any kind of surgical procedure, the most important step during pre-op preparation is a consultation with an expert. During the consultation session, you should inform the specialist about the medications you are currently taking. You should also mention any health conditions that you may have.

Once the consultation is over, you can have the date and time of the surgery settled. If you wish to have the surgery in Iran, there are also matters like trip planning, accommodation, and arranging for a medical interpreter that you should consider. AriaMedTour medical packages also include the details related to the trip so that your every need is met.

What is a chalazion?

A chalazion is a large, red bump that isn’t painful and usually appears on the upper eyelid where many oil glands exist. The condition occurs when the oil gland on the inner side of the eyelid is clogged. Chalazia are similar to cysts and are usually non-infectious. But if left untreated, they are likely to lead to eyelid droopiness (ptosis) and vision interference.

Differences between chalazion and stye

A stye (hordeolum) is a small and tender lump that appears near the eyelash. It is a sign of an infection in the eyelash follicle and can contain an amount of puss. Treatments involve breaking the bump open and draining the infection. Many use the terms “stye” and “chalazion” interchangeably. In fact, while both conditions appear as hard spheres on the eyelid, they are two different lesions with diverse symptoms. Here is how to tell the difference:



Stye (hordeolum)

Symptoms Red, firm, Large, swollen, and painless. Small (pimple-like), painful and tender to touch, inflamed, and irritated.
Location Usually above the eyelash line and on the upper eyelid. Near an eyelash follicle.
Treatments arm compress, steroid injection, chalazion surgery. Warm compress, drainage procedure.

If left untreated, a hordeolum can lean to more serious infections like an abscess which is a swollen mass on the skin filled with pus.

Do I need to Undergo a Chalazion Surgery?

Most chalazia are likely to heal by themselves over time. Yet, an untreated chalazion can lead to infection, discomfort, or vision disruption. On the other hand, some chalazia can multiply if they are left untreated. That’s why chalazion removal surgery is reserved as the last resort as well as the most effective one. If you are concerned about the unappealing appearance of your eyelids or find the heaviness irritating and the chalazion has persisted for over two months, you may be a candidate od chalazion removal surgery. Start your free online consultation with our healthcare specialists to learn more.

How is chalazion removal surgery performed?

Chalazion removal surgery is a brief, outpatient procedure that can be performed in less than 15 to 20 minutes. To ensure that you won’t be feeling any discomfort during the procedure, the medical team will either administer local anesthesia or inject a numbing material into the eyelid. Then depending on the size of the chalazion, the doctor makes a small incision underneath or outside the eyelid. Through the incision, he or she drains the liquid contents of the chalazion. Dissolvable stitches may or may not be used after the procedure.

After the surgery, the doctor covers the area with a pressure patch and instructs you to apply the prescribed antibiotic cream or eye drops for a week after the surgery.

Chalazion surgery aftercare and recovery

The aftercare steps of a chalazion surgery are usually not really complicated. The doctor might prescribe some antibiotics to prevent infection and ointments to subside the possible inflammation. You might be required to wear an eyepatch for almost a week after the surgery. The doctor may also recommend using moist heat during recovery. The recovery period will last for a week but it is recommended to avoid activities that could lead to eye injury for at least two weeks after the surgery.

It is normal for the patient to experience mild to moderate swelling or bruising around the eye after the surgery. Fluid discharge is also normal after the procedure. To reduce swelling after the surgery, you can try applying a cold compress on your eye for a few hours. You should also avoid the following for 4 to 7 days after the surgery:

  • Touching or rubbing the area
  • Wearing contact lenses
  • Getting your eyes wet
  • Wearing eye makeup

You can fly back home in a day after the chalazion removal surgery. But we highly recommend discussing your traveling plans with your doctor for a more precise opinion.

Chalazion surgery risks and complications

As a low-risk procedure, there are minimal risks and complications associated with chalazion removal surgery. Yet, it is important to educate yourself when it comes to the potential risks of any surgery. There is a slight chance that your tear glands may be damaged during chalazion surgery. The surgery might also lead to bruising, bleeding, or infection. There are also complications associated with anesthesia like minor nausea or sore throat. It is recommended that you discuss the anesthesia and whether you might be allergic to it with our healthcare specialists.

Frequently Asked Questions About LASIK Eye Surgery

During chalazion surgery, the doctor uses anesthesia or a numbing agent to make sure you won’t feel pain during the surgery. After the surgery, you might experience some discomfort. Yet, it will be clearly less than the soreness that accompanies the painful chalazion on your eyelid.

The surgeon can remove the chalazion in two ways. An incision is made either underneath the eyelid or on the outside surface. With incisions that are underneath the eyelid (the most prevalent method), any possible scar won’t be visible. A slight scar might be left after a chalazion removal that is done from the outside but it won’t be easily noticed.

Chalazion surgery is a very low-risk procedure and is frequently performed in hospitals or clinics. By having it done in an accredited medical center, you can make sure that the safety of the procedure is guaranteed.

Depending on your age or health state, the procedure begins by using numbing agent injection, local anesthesia or general anesthesia. While with the former two, you will be awake to some degree, you won’t feel anything nor be awake if general anesthesia is administered.

In order to undergo chalazion removal surgery in Iran, you need to stay in Iran for at least 2-3 days.

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