Hip Nailing
in Iran

Hip nailing or hip pinning is the best treatment for repairing the fractured hip. We offer hip nailing surgery in Iran at the best prices.

Falling from the stairs or getting hit by a car can cause great damage to your hip. On top of the pain, hip fracture leaves you unable to move or at best able to move with great difficulty. Luckily, hip nailing surgery can help you fix the fracture and regain the ability to walk. AriaMedTour offers hip nailing in Iran with the best orthopedic surgeons at affordable cost. Please continue reading to have a full understanding.

Hear about our patients’ experiences in Iran: They have so much to share.

Watch these stories from different patients around the world to see why people choose Iran for their cosmetic surgeries and how AriaMedTour facilitates their medical trip to Iran.

A medical trip documentary:
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Beauty Redefined: A Cosmetic Surgery
Journey to Iran – AriaMedTour Documentary

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to Iran for an Amazing Plastic Surgery

A Medical Trip to Iran Is Worth It as You Enjoy
Both Great Surgery Results and Low Prices

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of our patients in Iran!

Why Iran?

There are a lot of people who travel abroad every year to have hip nailing surgery, a good share of them chooses Iran, which is considered a popular place for medical tourism and orthopedic surgeries due to the low prices, great medical services, and high experience of the Iranian surgeons. On top of that, you can enjoy your time in Iran and visit some of its tourist attractions.

Why AriaMedTour?

Arranging hip nailing surgery abroad is not as easy as it sounds. There is a lot of work that needs to be done. AriaMedTour can help you and take care of everything since it is the biggest medical tourism facilitator in Iran. If you are seeking the treatment in Iran then AriaMedTour can provide the treatment visa, hotel, interpreting, transportation and many more services. We will also make sure you have the best health care services and choose the best hospitals for you.

How much is the cost of hip nailing surgery in Iran?

The cost of hip nailing surgery varies from hospital and medical center to another. The prices of hip nailing surgery depend on some factors like hip screw cost and the experience of the surgeon. In general, you can have a hip screw procedure in Iran at prices starting that range from $2,000 to $3,000.

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Hip nailing in Iran: All you need to know

Whether you are here to learn more about hip nailing in Iran or to learn more about the surgery itself, you are in the right place. Here we tell you what this surgery is and why you should choose to have hip nailing surgery in Iran.

What is hip nailing surgery?

Your hip is connected to your thighbone in the hip joint by what we call a ball and socket joint. This joint makes it possible for your leg to move and enables you to walk. When you fall or get a direct hit on the side of the thigh, you may get intertrochanteric fracture, which is a break in the upper part of the thighbone.

Hip nailing or hip pinning is an orthopedic surgery that is performed for fixing the broken hip in its place. There are some other names for the surgery like fracture repair, hip screwing and internal fixation. The surgery is called hip nailing or pinning due to the use of pins and/or nails to fix the bones in the correct position.

Types of hip nailing surgery

There are 2 types of hip nailing that can be used to treat your broken hip.

  • Hip repair (internal fixation): in this method, the surgeon will stabilize the broken bones using surgical screws, nails, or even plates. This method is used to treat patients with broken bones that can be aligned together properly.
  • Partial hip replacement (hemiarthroplasty): in this surgery, the surgeon will replace only the upper part of the thigh with an artificial part made of metal or ceramic.

Another treatment for hip fractures is total hip replacement, in which all the parts of the joint will be replaced with artificial parts. The parts can be made of metal, ceramic, or plastic.

In the 70s and 80s, the surgeons used a technique called hip cephalomedullary nailing. However, it caused excessive external rotation and knee pain so they stopped using it.

Is Iran the right place for hip nailing surgery?

Many people might think of Iran as a battlefield with soldiers and fighting. This is understandable due to the western propaganda. However, you should know that Iran is much different from what you would think.

You should know that Iran is a safe country for foreign travelers. Every year hundreds of thousands travel to Iran to undergo medical surgeries.

Iran has some of the best surgeons in the world. Iranian surgeons are experienced and well-trained. The hospitals, medical centers, and clinics in the country are equipped with advanced equipment.

The prices in Iran are one of the reasons for the medical tourism attraction. You can have the surgery, pay for the flight and enjoy several nights at a hotel, and it would still cost you less than the cost of the surgery in the United States of America or Europe.

So, by choosing to undergo the surgery of hip nailing in Iran, you would save money and have a quality treatment.

When do you need hip nailing?

Hip nailing procedure is needed if you have a hip break that involves the upper part of your femur. Depending on the nature of the break, you might need to have a hip replacement. Hip replacement can prevent further damage that can lead to problems like arthritis.

Hip fractures are often caused by falls. However, not every fall can cause a fracture, but sometimes bones might be weakened due to some health problems like cancer or osteoporosis.

How is hip nailing surgery done?

During hip nailing procedure, the surgeon will make one or two incisions on the side of your leg. After the surgeon puts back the bone into the right position, he/she will fix it in its place using pins, nails, screws, rods, or metal plates.

After the nailing or pinning is complete, the surgeon will perform an X-ray image to make sure the bone is in its place. In the end, the surgeon will staple the wound or use stitches to close it.

This surgery usually takes from 2 to 4 hours. It is usually performed under general anesthesia, but in some cases, the surgeon will choose local anesthesia.

The screws used in hip nailing surgery

There are several types of screws that the surgeon might use. In some cases, the surgeon uses hip dynamic screw, which is designed to allow the bone to slide dynamically in a certain way. In other cases, the surgeon will choose individual screws for the fixation of the bone. The surgeon will choose the right screw based on your condition.

After hip nailing surgery

After the surgery, your doctor will give you some painkillers and probably some medicine to prevent blood clots. You might need to have a urinary catheter to be able to urinate without leaving your bed. Your doctor might tell you to keep a pillow under your leg to keep your hip fixed in its place.

You might need to stay in the hospital from 2 days to a week. You might also need to stay in an extended-care facility for a few days before you can go home. You will be able to move soon after having the surgery, but you may need a walking aid at the beginning.

Hip nailing surgery recovery time usually ranges from 1 month to 4 months. In 4 months, you will be able to go back to work, but you might need from 6 to 12 months before you fully recover.

After the surgery, your surgeon might give you some precautions for your movement. Hip nailing precautions may include:

  • You must not bend the hip more than 90 degrees,
  • You must not twist your body,
  • You must not cross your legs.

The risks and complications of hip nailing surgery

Patients who have hip nailing may have short-term side effects and long-term side effects. The short-term risks may include:

  • Bleeding and blood clots
  • Damaging the nerves in the leg
  • Arthritis

Long-term risks might take several months or even years to appear. They might include:

  • Non-uniform healing: when some of the pieces of your bone does not heal together
  • Having different leg length
  • Bone fracture around the screws used to fix the hip fracture

Hip replacement vs nailing

Hip nailing is a surgery that is performed to hold the bone in its place using screws or pins. This surgery is used when the bone or the joint is not damaged. Hip replacement is performed when either or both of them are damaged. Depending on the case, the surgeon might need to replace the bone and the joint with metal parts.

Hip screw removal surgery

When you have plates or screws put into your body, you will wonder if they would stay in there forever. In general, they will stay forever with no need to remove them. In certain cases, if the screws loosen for some reason and start to cause pain, then they will need hip screw removal surgery.

Hip screw removal is usually easy. The surgeon will make a small incision in the location of the screw and twist the screw until it comes out.

Hip nailing vs ORIF

Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is a surgery that is performed to treat thigh fracture that involves breaking the bone into 2 pieces or more. This is while hip nailing surgery is performed when the fracture does not require repositioning of the broken bone.

Hip nailing and pregnancy

In case a pregnant woman needed hip nailing surgery, she should ask her gynecologist if it is OK to have the surgery depending on her condition. Hip pinning surgery needs approval from a gynecologist, an orthopedic and an anesthesiologist.

How to arrange for undergoing hip nailing in Iran?

If you want to have a hassle-free hip nailing in Iran then getting the services of AriaMedTour will be just what you nedd. AriaMedTour does not only take care of appointing treatments by the best surgeons in the country, but it offers many other services to make your mind free of any concerns related to travel and language barrier.

AriaMedTour will help the patient obtain the visa to Iran, picking the patients up from the airport and arranging your accommodation and transportation in Iran in addition to preoperative check-ups, and free online consultation. After the surgery, AriaMedTour provide the follow-up service even after the patient goes back home.

Cost of hip nailing in Iran

The cost of hip nailing depends on several factors like the state of the fracture and the needed treatment. In general, it can be quite expensive. In the United States and the United Kingdom, the cost ranges from $7,000 to $33,000, while the cost of hip nailing In Iran falls between $2,000 and $3,000. Please throw us a message or fill the form in the page to have a free specialized online consultation and a precise quote for hip nailing in Iran according to your condition.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hip Nailing

Yes, hip pinning is a permanent surgery. The pins usually stays there forever but in some cases, the patient might need to have a revision or remove the pins.

During the surgery, you will be under anesthesia so you will not feel any pain. After the surgery, the doctor will prescribe the proper painkillers to deal with the pain.

Usually hip pinning takes from 2 to 4 hours.

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