Weight Loss Surgery Dos and Don’ts

  • Reading Time: 6 Min

  • Category: Weight Loss Surgery

  • Approved by: Dr. Shokrzadeh

Weight Loss Surgery Dos and Don’ts

  • Reading Time: 6 Min

  • Category: Weight Loss Surgery

  • Approved by: Dr. Shokrzadeh

You do not lose weight immediately after weight loss surgery, as it is only a tool in the road of weight loss and you need to follow some instructions to get what you want.

Weight loss surgery is a great way to lose a lot of your excess fat when no other way has worked for you. However, it is important to know that the surgery is only a small step towards getting in shape. To have what you desire, you need to go through many changes in your diet and lifestyle after weight loss surgery. Here are some of the things you need to follow and others to avoid so you lose weight. Please continue reading to know more on weight loss surgery do’s and don’ts.

weight loss surgery dos and don'ts

Weight Loss Surgery Dos and Don’ts

General Facts:

  • You can get pregnant after weight loss surgery but you will gain weight if you do.
  • It is likely to feel depressed during the weight-loss period.
  • You need to reduce your alcohol consumption after weight loss surgery.
  • Your stomach will be more sensitive to alcohol after weight loss surgery.
  • You need to change your eating habits after weight loss surgery.
  • It is important to avoid drinking any carbonated beverages following the surgery.
  • You should quit smoking after the surgery but if you cannot do that you should quit for 2 weeks at least.
  • Your diet must have enough protein and you might need to drink a protein shake in the first few days after surgery.
  • Weight loss surgery reduces the body’s ability to absorb vitamins so you might need to take some supplements.

Weight Loss Surgery Packages

Surgery + Hotel + Visa
Transfer + Interpreter

Weight Loss Surgery Packages

Surgery + Hotel + Visa
Transfer + Interpreter

Pregnancy after weight loss surgery

Getting pregnant after weight loss surgery is generally safe. However, you need to wait for about 12 to 18 months before you get pregnant to avoid any damage to your baby due to nutritional deficiencies.

Getting pregnant after weight loss surgery can make you gain weight again. However, some women choose to get pregnant after weight loss surgery due to some health concerns. Therefore, you should decide whether you should get pregnant after weight loss surgery based on the reasons that made you have the surgery in the first place.

Just remember, having a baby after weight loss surgery has its pros and cons on you and your child. Consult with your health provider in the first place and share your plans with him/ her.

an infographic explaining when it is safe to get pregnant after a weight loss surgery

Pregnancy after weight loss surgery

Depression after weight loss surgery

Many people do not even understand why anyone would feel depressed after weight loss surgery. They think about the weight loss in a positive way that would make them happy without taking into consideration that food is not always used as a way to get the needed nutrition to fuel their bodies but as activities that are done with friends and family.

To avoid post-weight loss depression, you should do the following:

  • See a psychologist regularly after the surgery to help you deal with the stress related to your new changes.
  • Look for a support group: Finding other people like you will help you see that you are not alone. Meeting with other people who go through the things you do will give you a safe environment to talk about the challenges you have to overcome.
  • Exercise: Working out will make you more confident and will increase your self-esteem. Exercising will release more endorphins making you feel good.
depression after weight loss surgery

Depression after weight loss surgery

Alcohol after weight loss surgery

You need to understand that your body has gone into some changes due to the surgery, and those changes will require you to alter some of your habits including your alcohol consumption. Your body will be more sensitive to alcohol than before, so drinking the same alcohol amount will not give the same results after the surgery. In general, it is advised that you do what follows concerning alcohol consumption after weight loss surgery:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol for about 12 months. Alcohol has a lot of calories with little nutrition.
  • Drink smaller amounts of alcohol when you resume drinking.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach after weight loss surgery.
  • If necessary, opt for drinks that are mixed with zero-calorie drinks.
alcohol after weight loss surgery

Alcohol after weight loss surgery

Eating after weight loss surgery

Your doctor will give you a plan for eating after weight loss surgery that includes the things that you are allowed to eat in each period. Following the plan and the instructions given to you will help you lose weight and heal faster. To boost your healing, you should also do what follows:

  • Avoid skipping meals: When you skip meals, you will be depriving your body of having the nutrition that it needs, which will make you feel hungrier.
  • Eat smaller meals: you will have a smaller stomach after the surgery, so you need to adjust the sizes of your meals to its new size.
  • Add some vegetables or fruits to the meals: weight loss surgery affects the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you need to add some fruits or vegetables constantly to make sure you get the nutrition your body needs.
  • Avoid drinking with your meals: Drinking with the meals will result in some unwanted symptoms like swelling and diarrhea. Do not drink water for about half an hour after your meal.
  • Avoid food that is high in fat or carbs: These types of food will leave your stomach fast and make you feel hungry sooner. Sometimes these foods will cause some unwanted symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Chew your food properly: You should chew your food well before you swallow. Make sure you chew with your mouth closed to avoid swallowing more air.
  • Do not eat a lot of foods in one meal: your stomach will be more sensitive for a while after the surgery. Try to take things easy for a while and avoid upsetting your stomach.
eating foods after weight loss surgery

Healthy foods after weight loss surgery

Why no carbonated drinks after bariatric surgery?

It is important to avoid drinking any carbonated drinks after weight loss surgery. The gases that are present in these beverages can accumulate in your stomach causing its walls to stretch, which will increase the size of your stomach again.

How long after weight loss surgery can you smoke?

Smoking after weight loss surgery is very harmful to your health and your surgery results. Smoking will make you feel pain as it makes your new stomach narrower. In addition, the carbon monoxide in the smoke makes the blood cells less able to carry oxygen and nutrition to your cells.

It is recommended to quit smoking permanently after weight loss surgery. However, if you cannot quit you should avoid smoking for 2 weeks to 3 months. Just keep in mind that the damage is not prevented totally if you wait for that much to resume smoking and the longer you wait the better.

protein, vitamins and water after weight loss surgery

Protein, vitamins and water after weight loss surgery

Protein after weight loss surgery

Eating enough protein after weight loss surgery is very important, and you should make sure to consume 60 to 80 grams of protein a day. During the first few days following the surgery since you would not be able to eat solid food, you will need protein shakes to get your protein.

After you are allowed to add solid food into your diet, you should include protein-rich food into every meal. You can have protein from chicken, red meat, fish, cheese, nuts, soy, etc.

Post weight loss surgery vitamins

After the surgery, you will need to have all the needed vitamins and minerals, but as the surgery will affect your body’s ability to absorb, you will have to take supplements. You might ask yourself “what happens when you don’t take vitamins after weight loss surgery?” The answer is that you will be prone to different health complications like iron deficiency, memory loss, kidney diseases, etc.

Drink enough water after weight loss surgery

It is very important to stay hydrated after weight loss surgery. You should drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day and reduce the amount of caffeinated and sweet beverages. However, you need to stop drinking liquids 15 minutes before eating.

By following the doctor’s instructions, you will increase your chances of recovery faster and reduce the risks of any possible complications.

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You May Like to See Before & After Photos of Weight Loss Surgery

The bottom line

Undergoing a weight loss surgery, such as gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, gastric plication or gastric balloon, is an essential change in your life. However, the surgery by itself is not enough for you to lose weight. In this article, we have discussed some weight loss surgery do’s and don’ts that you should adhere to in order to get the best outcomes of your weight loss surgery.

If you still have concerns about what you should do and what you should not do after weight loss surgery, just contact us. Our specialists at AriaMedTour will be very happy to answer you.

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