Nose job tips you need to know before your nose surgery

  • Reading Time: 6 Min

  • Category: Nose Job

  • Approved by: Dr. Shokrzadeh

Nose job tips you need to know before your nose surgery

  • Reading Time: 6 Min

  • Category: Rhinoplasty

  • Approved by: Dr. Shokrzadeh

If you are planning a nose job, it is very likely that you are a meticulous person. People who come to the decision to get their nose reshaped and improved by a nose job are typically more fastidious with their face than others. This means that they must also be more anxious about the outcome of their rhinoplasty and the appearance of their new face. In order to have a better experience of a nose surgery and get a more satisfactory result, nose job candidates should follow some steps before the procedure. Here are some nose job tips you need to know before going under the knife:

1- Relaxation to reduce stress before a nose job

Feeling nervous and stressed out is normal before a nose job. You may have restless nights as you approach the day of your surgery. Therefore, finding a way to help you relax and feel peaceful is the first step you need to take prior to the operation. Here are some relaxation techniques you may need to reduce stress:

Nose Job Tips


Sit up straight on the floor. Close your eyes. Repeat a mantra (motivating utterance) like “I love myself,” “I feel at peace,” or “Trust God and get going.” Place one hand on your belly to sync the mantra with your breaths. Let negative thoughts be washed away from your mind.


Massage therapy focuses on increasing the temperature in the soft tissues in your body thus releasing more hormones. When your tissues relax, you will experience fewer negative feelings and your anxiety will be reduced. Having a massage a few times before rhinoplasty can help you manage the stress and think with a clear mind about what you really want and need.

Thinking positively

Even though you might have your concerns about the surgery, try to have a positive mind. Stop thinking about what might go wrong and think about how good will your new appearance be. Remember that rhinoplasty surgery is quite safe now and with an experienced surgeon, you will have nothing to worry about.

Finding someone who can be there for you

Having some who can help be there for you and listen to your fears and concerns can help you overcome your fears and manage the anxiety. This person can be a friend, family member, or anyone whom you trust and can speak to easily.

You do not always need to talk to this person as any usual activity like having lunch or drinking tea with him/her can help you feel better.

Finding something to distract you

What is a better way to reduce stress and anxiety better than just forgetting about them? Even if you only forget about them for a while, you will spend some time worry-free. Try to practice a hobby that you like such as reading, playing sports, watching a movie, or any other activity that makes you happy. Some people might look at this as a way to escape your fears, but if it can help you then why not?

Quitting smoking

If you are a smoker, you might have noticed that you may feel the need to smoke a cigarette to relax. This happens because your body feels stressed when it needs a cigarette. Keep in mind that a cigarette might reduce your stress in the short term but it will increase the risks of having surgical complications and it can delay the recovery process.

Quitting smoking can be hard. Therefore, you should try it a while before the surgery so you do not feel the need to smoke before the surgery.

Having faith in your surgeon and the medical team

When you have faith in your medical team and be certain that they have the skills and experience to achieve the results you want without risking your life, you will not have to worry about your surgery.

To develop such trust, you can ask to see some pictures of other patients who underwent the surgery before by the surgeon and look into their credentials. Above all, you just need to accept that he/she has the needed experience and knowledge to perform the surgery.

Breathing exercises

Learn about breathing exercises


Yoga is a set of physical, mental and spiritual practices that help you control your mind and body and can greatly reduce stress.


Visualizing that your dreams and expectations have come true is a technique used by successful athletes and rich businessmen. Although it may not be as effective for you as for them (because you have less control over the procedure), it gives you positive energy and optimism that helps you be as much prepared as possible for your surgery. To do that, find a quiet place where you can be alone with yourself (like your room before sleep), close your eyes, relax your body, see yourself completely prepared for your nose job, then imagine the process of surgery with smiling doctors perfectly doing their job, see the end of the procedure in a positive atmosphere, then the recovery period going well as planned, and finally imagine yourself seeing yourself in the mirror and smiling with deep satisfaction.

Other relaxation practices include:

  • Thai Chi
  • Hypnosis
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage

Nose Job Packages

Surgery + Hotel + Visa
Transfer + Interpreter

Nose Job Packages

Surgery + Hotel + Visa
Transfer + Interpreter

2- Educate yourself about nose surgery procedure

When you are going to do something or having a particular experience, you would be better prepared if you have enough information about it. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor whatever question you have in mind about every aspect of your nose job (before, during and after the surgery). You can also research Rhinoplasty through the internet and get useful information from reliable websites. Rhinoplasty surgeons acknowledge that patients who were adequately informed about their nose job surgery had less anxiety and felt less concerned before the procedure.

Nose Job Tips

3- Understand your expectations about your Rhinoplasty

It is very important to manage your expectations about your Rhinoplasty before going for the operation. Studies suggest that unrealistic expectations is the main cause of most patients’ unhappiness with the result of their nose job surgeries. A nose job is intended to improve the appearance of a nose, sometimes it does so to a great degree, but expecting a miraculous transformation is also unreasonable. Different noses have different potentials for shape change depending on their form and structure. Be sure to ask your doctor about the shape of your after-surgery nose and whether it would be what you exactly expect to be. Furthermore, a Rhinoplasty may be helpful in improving your self-confidence but it doesn’t work for everyone. All in all, doctors say that nose job candidates should have rational reasons for their decision and do not expect it to be a cure for all problems of their lives.

Nose Job Tips

4- Be aware of recovery process

It takes time to recover from invasive surgeries. For a nose job, it might take one year or two for your nose to take its final form. The time of healing is different for different patients and different noses. Ask your doctor to give you a rough estimate of the recovery time and be prepared to take his/her advice during that time. If you think that you might be in difficult circumstances after your surgery, such as having to perform a demanding job or being under heavy physical pressure, think twice about going for a nose job until you find a time after which you would be more comfortable and less busy.

Also, keep in mind that every surgery (plastic or not) has some (often short-term) side effects. You will have some swelling following a Rhinoplasty which usually lasts for one month. Your face might become puffy immediately after the surgery and you might have black eyes. All these side effects will go away within a few weeks.

You should be ready to restrict your head movement or your sleep position for a few days after your Rhinoplasty. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you receive enough information about the dos and don’ts for nose surgery recovery period either by consulting your doctor or browsing reliable websites, prior to the procedure.

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Other nose job tips

There are other simple handy nose job tips you need to keep in mind before going to the clinic or hospital to get your nose job:

  • Stop smoking for three to four weeks before the operation. Nicotine slows down healing.
  • Stop using any aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, and herbal supplements two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery.
  • Arrange your transportation beforehand. You are not supposed to drive back home after the procedure.
  • Finish your tasks, especially taxing ones, that must be done before going for the operation. You should rest for a few days after the surgery.
  • Stock up on cool beverages and lip balm. Breathing through your mouth will make it very dry.
  • Make sure there will be a friend or relative to take care of you for a few days after your surgery. It is very helpful to have someone beside you to fetch you food, beverages, and medications during the first few post-op days.
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