Liposuction in Iran

Get rid of unwanted fat deposits at fair prices in Iran through liposuction services at modern clinics.

Liposuction in Iran

Get rid of unwanted fat deposits at fair prices in Iran through liposuction services at modern clinics.

Arranging a medical trip to Iran may take a lot of energy and time. You may be concerned about how to find a doctor, how to get a visa, or whether you’d face any challenge during your trip. This whole thing can turn into a pleasant experience if you leave the burden to a medical tourism facilitator. We, at AriaMedTour, well understand your concerns, staying with you from the moment you arrive until you leave the country. Please contact us for a free consultation and continue reading to learn more.

Hear about our patients’ experiences in Iran: They have so much to share.

Watch these stories from different patients around the world to see why people choose Iran for their cosmetic surgeries and how AriaMedTour facilitates their medical trip to Iran.

A medical trip documentary:
Crossing borders for a unique beauty adventure

Beauty redefined: A cosmetic surgery
journey in Iran – AriaMedTour documentary

Mauritian patient’s triple surgery
adventure in Iran with AriaMedTour

Afghan-Dutch patient’s liposculpture experience:
Sculpt your dream body in Iran

Before & After Photos

Take a look at ‘before and after’ photos of people who got their liposuction done in Iran.

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Now, let’s have a look at the photos
of our patients in Iran!

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We work with a select group of three- to five-star hotels in Tehran and other cities. Depending on the type of package you choose and the location of the hospital or clinic where you are going to receive the treatment, we arrange the most suitable hotel for you. The name, details, and photos of the hotel will be sent to you ahead of time.

Why Iran?

Iran boasts top-notch hospitals and clinics as well as seasoned plastic surgeons with vast experience in cosmetic surgery, including liposuction. Additionally, liposuction services are very affordable in Iran, thanks to a host of factors which are out of the scope of this paragraph.

Why AriaMedTour?

Arranging a medical journey to another country may take a lot of energy and time. You may be concerned about whether you would face any challenge during your trip and treatment. In contrast, it would bring you ease and comfort if you leave the burden to a medical tourism facilitator.

Upon your request, we provide you with a free consultation and price estimate. Our consultation, reviewed by our team of medical experts and doctors, will be based on your unique condition and will include how the procedure will alter your shape.

To help you go through a smooth procedure, we connect you to the top-rated surgeons and doctors in Iran and will provide you with everything you need before and after the suregry. A guide fluent in English or in your own language will be assigned to accompany you during the time you are in the country. Our post-op care and follow-up services will continue until you are fully recovered.

Liposuction cost in Iran

Cost is a big factor in making Iran an ideal liposuction destination. However, the cost of a liposuction procedure in Iran vary depending on your specific needs and the amount of work done on your body. Just to give you a ballpark figure, a liposuction costs $700 per area in Iran, which is very reasonable compared to what you have to pay in other countries.

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Liposuction in Iran: all you need to know

People who feel trapped with excess fat in specific areas of their body know what a struggle it is to lose those problematic pockets of fat. No matter how regularly you’ve been exercising or how long you’ve been on a diet, you may need to go for liposuction  to achieve your ideal body shape.

With a huge pool of certified and experienced surgeons and affordable prices, Iran offers a reliable solution to those looking for liposuction abroad. If you’re considering this country as your destination, here, we’ve rounded up everything you need to know about liposuction procedure and how you can get it done in Iran.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty or simply lipo, refers to the removal of local fat from various body areas. Addressed areas include, but are not limited to, arms, chin, neck, abdomen, flanks, thighs, calves, back and buttocks.

Why is Iran a good place for liposuction surgery?

Iran is a country that almost in no time has made it to the top of the cosmetic surgery industry across the globe. The key reasons behind this are advanced medical facilities, experienced surgeons, proven records of successful surgeries, and unrivaled prices. These advantages have caught the eyes of many foreigners who want to travel to get their bodies fit in this country.

With the high number of successful liposuction surgeries and the geographical location of the country, Iran’s also becoming a popular destination for citizens of neighboring countries like Iraq, Oman, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, and Afghanistan.

Further to this, Iran welcomes patients with cost-effective surgery and zero waiting time. These aspects serve as a strong motive for those who are in search of an affordable and immediate course of fat removal.

Iranian liposuction surgeons

It is very important to choose a plastic surgeon who frankly tells you whether this operation is appropriate for you depending on your body and medical history.

Indeed, you should make sure that the doctor who wants to do it for you is a qualified specialist because if a novice surgeon does it, it can result in dangerous side effects that would threaten your health. Therefore, choosing an experienced specialist is an important primary step in achieving the best results.

With many years of education and experience in performing high-quality liposuction surgery, Iranian surgeons are among the best. In addition, as there has been an increase in the number of Iranian nationals opting for liposuction within the country in recent years, Iranian surgeons have gained much more proficiency in this surgery. According to the statistics, this surgery is among the top five cosmetic procedures sought by Iranians.


With many years of education and experience in performing high-quality liposuction surgeries, Iranian surgeons are among the best.

Liposuction cost in Iran

While Iran measures up to many medical tourism destinations in terms of quality, expertise, and efficiency, it offers lower prices than other countries. For example, prices for a typical liposuction procedure in Iran start at $700 per area, including anesthesia, medication, clinic and doctor fee, follow-up, etc.

With the affordable cost of liposuction in Iran, there would be a 70-80% saving for those who choose this country over other countries. The cost of this procedure in the USA ranges from $2,000 to $5,000 per area. This price falls somewhere between $2,000 to $6,000 if you are going to have it done in a European country like the UK. It costs around $2,500, $1,500, and $2,000 per area in Turkey, India, and Thailand, respectively.

How is liposuction performed in Iran?

Generally, the patient gets either general or local anesthesia depending on the operation technique and the number of targeted areas. The surgeon then employs a cannula through which the fat is sucked out.

This fat removal surgery typically takes place in a modern clinic or hospital. The procedure takes around 2 to 5 hours.

The procedure is performed using a number of methods. The only difference between these techniques is the type of instrument each uses for ejecting fat cells. Below, you can read about these methods.

Liposuction techniques

Lipoplasty techniques include: Laser-Assisted Liposuction, Power Assisted Liposuction, Suction Assisted Liposuction, Twin-Cannula Assisted Liposuction, Tumescent Liposuction, and Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction.

In the laser-assisted method, the surgeon breaks the fat using laser. The laser beam melts the exited localized fats. Then, the liquefied fat is ejected out of the body. It is the most straightforward and less complicated technique with less bleeding, compared to other methods.

Power-assisted liposuction extracts fat from some created holes in the body using a vibrating cannula. In this procedure, the cannula speeds up the procedure of fat removal as it creates rapid vibrations and loosens the fat cells.

Suction-assisted liposuction is the traditional type of liposuction which uses some sort of pressure through which the extra fat is extracted by a thin cannula. Such pressure functions as a sucker machine. This method is usually a part of other liposuction procedures.

Twin-cannula assisted technique is exactly like the previous one. The only difference, as its name suggests, is that it includes two cannulas instead of one. The twin cannula has the capability of removing more fat with less scarring.

In the tumescent liposuction technique, the surgeon first injects tumescent fluid or solution to the targeted area. This solution reduces pain and bleeding, while it constricts the blood vessels. This way, the fat can be broken much easily. Then, a cannula is entered to suck the fat out of the body. This procedure is the most common technique as it causes less damage to the surrounding tissues.

Ultrasonic or ultrasound-assisted lipo, commonly known as Vaser lipo, is the most efficient technique that gets you rid of the piled fat using ultrasonic energy. In this operation, the surgeon uses a metal rod which radiates ultrasonic waves. This will liquefy the fat cells, without damaging the nerves or tissues.

Recovery after a liposuction procedure

Liposuction recovery takes around 1 to 2 weeks. The ultimate results can be observed within 1-3 months. The person who undergoes this operation feels pain and has some inflammation after surgery, which will go away by passing of time. Such feelings of discomfort are natural and there is no need to be worried about it.

For this procedure, there is also bruising, swelling, bloody fluid drainage, and soreness a few days after the surgery. Therefore, you may be instructed to wear a compression garment and fluid drains for a few days after your operation to help alleviate the aforementioned side effects.

Liposuction aftercare tips

Like any other operation, this one also includes some general instructions to follow:

  • Have enough rest
  • Drink enough water
  • Cut salt intake
  • Avoid exposing to sunlight
  • Avoid smoking and drinking
  • Do not engage in strenuous activities for 2-3 weeks
  • Take shower only after 3 days

For a complete guide on aftercare do’s and don’ts, read our liposuction recovery guide.

Body jet and lipomatic in Iran: two alternatives for lipo

Thanks to the development of medical technologies, lipomatic and body jet have been recently introduced as alternatives for liposuction.

Lipomatic is a FDA-approved method employing a device with the same name, which allows extraction of problematic fat without any damage to the surrounding tissue (muscle, nerves, and blood vessels).

Lipomatic promises fast and effective fat removal while protecting the removed fat cells from burning or death. The preserved fat can be used for injection to other parts of the body to enhance body contouring.

Body jet or water-assisted body sculpting is another effective type of liposuction, recently added to the list of fat removal procedures. In this method, the excess fat is washed out of the body using a pressurized stream of water. As the ejected fat cells remain viable, they can be used in fat transfer procedures.

In both body jet and lipomatic procedures, the healing period is shorter, and better aesthetic results are achieved. Iran is one of the countries offering both types of surgeries with a high level of success and safety.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction in Iran

Lipo is not recommended for all people and is not a good choice for all bodies. For instance, it is not appropriate for pregnant women, nursing mothers, or diabetics. But for whom is it really efficient?

People with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or less can benefit from this treatment. It means that the greater the body mass, the more risks, and less desired results.

Moreover, healthy people with a stable weight who need to shape their body in specific areas can undergo this body contouring surgery. In fact, the right candidate is someone who has tried to burn away his/her fat pockets through diet or hard work but has not succeeded in doing so. In this case, lipoplasty can let them achieve the look they want.

Lipo aims at eliminating the excess fat packed in certain parts of the body like belly, hips, thighs, arms, and love handles. Liposuction is a body-contouring procedure, not a weight-loss method or a solution to morbid obesity. If you’re overweight, you’d better go through a bariatric surgery rather than a lipo to lose a significant amount of weight.

As the surgery involves numbing, you won’t feel any pain during the procedure itself. After the numbing effect wears off, you will start to experience some levels of pain and soreness around the incisions or targeted areas. If needed, your doctor will prescribe some painkillers to help you get through the pain.

Unlike other complications which subside within 2 weeks, swelling won’t disappear easily. It usually takes around 3 to 4 weeks for the inflammation to go away. To reduce swelling, you should wear your compression garment and apply ice compress on the treated spot. Having a healthy diet and walking on a daily basis can also help.

Arranging a trip abroad for a surgery has its own challenges. From getting a visa, arranging doctor’s and hospital appointment, and booking a hotel, to post-op care, intra-city transportation, and the language barrier, there are many hassles in traveling on your own. AriaMedTour handles all this affairs for you in a professional fashion, without you having to take the risk of being swindled by unlicensed middlemen.

Check out the complete list of questions about Liposuction

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January 16, 2023 8:53 pm

I am planning my wedding (we are thinking about a date in 6 to 9 months) and I am seriously considering a liposuction to get rid of my belly fat. Now what matters to me most is the downtime and the recovery, considering I have got a lot to do and of course, I want to look good on my wedding day. By the way I am 26, completely healthy, with no prior surgery, and non smoker. 

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Lucy
January 17, 2023 7:55 am

Thanks for your question. And congratulations on your wedding.
Generally, liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure with short downtime. However, the recovery could vary depending on different factors such as the technique, the number of areas of liposuction, and each person’s health and body condition. Yet, generally speaking, you can expect to face the most challenging time in the first 3 days when you experience pain and discomfort which is usually controlled through oral medications. Most patients can go back to their social life in 7-10 days, however, they need to keep wearing compression garments and stay away from exercise and strenuous activities for about 6 weeks. In 3 months, the majority of the swelling has been resolved and you can start to see the results, yet, it can take 6 to 12 months for your body to completely heal and show the final outcome. 
Therefore, a date about 9 months from the surgery is when you feel totally fine, the swelling is very minimal and difficult to detect, and there’s a good chance that the result will have also settled pretty well by then. But still, It’s safe to give it a little more time if possible and have your wedding in a year from the surgery date. After all, you should notice that each patient is different and has a different recovery process.
Good luck with your plans. Make sure you take time to choose and discuss your goals with an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. 

February 10, 2023 3:54 pm

Before I had my liposuction surgery about a year ago, my doctor told me it was best to have a liposuction when I had a stable weight or close to the ideal weight I would love to maintain. So I had my surgery while I was 59 Kg (I am 165 cm by the way) and I am still about the same weight (58 kg). I’m quite satisfied with my liposuction results. But now I would love to try losing some extra kilos, like 4 or 5 maybe. I love to have a more skinny figure so I was thinking about losing weight. But I am worried it may ruin my liposuction results as the doctor emphasized a stable weight. Is that gonna be a problem?

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Aria
February 11, 2023 11:34 am

Thank you for your question. Just as your doctor said, we always advise our patients to try to have their liposuction when they’re around their goal weight for the best result.
Weight loss after liposuction and its effects on the skin can vary from one person to another as it is affected by factors such as skin laxity, age, genetics, the period of time over which the weight is lost, and the total amount of weight loss. While excessive weight loss can lead to loose skin due to the limited ability of the skin to contract, minimal to moderate weight loss when done in a healthy manner through regular exercise and a balanced diet over a reasonable period of time could be beneficial to your health and is unlikely to damage your liposuction results or increase excess skin. Losing about 4 to 5 kilograms for your weight doesn’t seem extreme and you can probably go through this journey safely without ruining your liposuction results. However, make sure you consult your doctor for advice on how to proceed with weight loss safely.

March 5, 2023 5:59 pm

How long do i have to wear a compression garment after liposuction? I am 3 weeks into my stomach and love handles liposuction. My doctor said i need to wear it for 8 weeks 24 hours a day and then keep wearing it at night for a few months. Yet i have been reading and hearing about shorter times. My surgery was done successfully and i guess i am also recovering pretty well. I have been wearing the compression garment ever since but do I really have to keep wearing it for so long? What is the average time one has to wear it after liposuction? and does it have to be 24/7?

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Hazel
March 6, 2023 11:42 am

Congratulations on your successful liposuction and I’m really glad you’re recovering well and care to follow the post-op instructions. It is important to wear compression garments after liposuction as it helps reduce swelling and prevent fluid accumulation in the cavities beneath your skin resulting from the procedure. Moreover, it can help your skin contract and match the new contours of your body. Generally, wearing a compression garment as instructed by the doctor can contribute to better results and faster recovery. 
Depending on how extensive the surgery has been, the period of wearing a compression garment may vary. However, we usually ask our patients to wear the compression garment 24/7 for the first 2-3 weeks (except when showering) and keep wearing it 12 hours a day for the next 3 weeks. It is recommended but not required to keep wearing the garment at night for a few months post-surgery if not uncomfortable.
Still, different doctors may have slightly different ideas about the length of time you must wear the compression garment. I recommend you discuss it with your surgeon in your next post-op visit. Monitoring your recovery and examining your condition, he/she can give you the best instruction regarding compression garments.

April 2, 2023 5:25 pm

I am 38 and have given birth to 2 children, one 6 years ago and the other 3 years ago. Well of course I don’t have the stomach I used to have before the babies and I am thinking about some kind of plastic surgery to flatten my stomach. I am wondering if a liposuction would do the job or will I need a tummy tuck?

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Layla
April 3, 2023 9:07 am

Good question. First of all, it’s important to make sure that you’re happy with the number of children you already have and are not going to get pregnant in the future. While it is possible to have another child a while after undergoing a tummy tuck or liposuction, it will surely affect your surgery results and you will need touch-ups afterward. 
About your case, it is difficult to precisely determine which procedure suits you best without an in-person examination or at least having your photos. However, a simple comparison between a liposuction and a tummy tuck can help you decide which one better matches your needs. A liposuction helps flatten your stomach by removing excess fat while a tummy tuck helps achieve this goal by reconstructing the abdominal muscles and removing excess skin therefore resulting in tight skin and a flat stomach. Considering the loose skin resulting from pregnancy, usually, most mothers will best benefit from a tummy tuck rather than liposuction. If you have extra loose skin, having liposuction makes it even more obvious and worsens its appearance due to the limited ability of the skin to contract and shrink. Therefore, it can’t be a good choice.
So make sure you’ll have a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to decide if you can achieve your goals with liposuction. 

April 27, 2023 4:08 pm

I have got a buffalo hump in my back between my shoulders. It is not that big but still annoying. Is it possible to get rid of it with liposuction?

Dr. Shokrzadeh
Dr. Shokrzadeh
Reply to  Ellie
April 28, 2023 8:10 am

Yes, it is possible to remove a buffalo hump, also known as a dorsocervical fat pad, through liposuction, usually the standard or power-assisted technique since the area is often quite fibrous. It’s a straightforward procedure that can be done under local or general anesthesia depending on the size of the hump. However, it is very important to identify the underlying reason first, both to find the best treatment and to minimize the risk of recurrence. The development of a buffalo hump could be attributed to conditions like obesity, long-term use of steroids, side effects of medications, or special diseases such as Cushing syndrome.

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