Thread Lift in Iran

Thread lift is a way to regain some of the freshness of your skin and help you get a more tightened skin.

Thread Lift in Iran

Thread lift is a way to regain some of the freshness of your skin and help you get a more tightened skin.

In the past, the only possible option for getting a younger face was to undergo a facelift surgery. Although facelift surgery offers good results, many people are not comfortable with the idea of performing invasive on the face. Here comes the benefit of having a thread lift in Iran to rejuvenate the skin.

Hear about our patients’ experiences in Iran: They have so much to share.

Watch these stories from different patients around the world to see why people choose Iran for their cosmetic surgeries and how AriaMedTour facilitates their medical trip to Iran.

A medical trip documentary:
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Beauty Redefined: A Cosmetic Surgery
Journey to Iran – AriaMedTour Documentary

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Successful Plastic Surgeries in Iran

Croatian Girl’s Careful Research Led Her
to Iran for an Amazing Plastic Surgery

A Medical Trip to Iran Is Worth It as You Enjoy
Both Great Surgery Results and Low Prices

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of our patients in Iran!

Why Choose Iran for Thread Lift?

Iranian plastic surgeons are among the best in the world. The surgeons in Iran have a lot of experience and skills, meaning you will be satisfied with your results. The hospitals and medical centers in Iran are provided with advanced equipment, and the prices are lower than that in many other countries.

Why AriaMedTour?

AriaMedTour is the most reputable medical tourism company in Iran. When you arrange for your treatment in Iran with AriaMedTour, You will have everything set up for you, including the visa.

AriaMedTour will match you with a suitable doctor and provide you with a free online consultation. Your personal assistant will be there with you all the time to help you with the translation and make it easier to communicate with others.

How Much Does Thread Lift Cost in Iran?

The cost of a thread lift varies according to several factors like the experience of the surgeon. The cost is also different from one country to another. In the United States, the price of thread lift is about $2,200 in average. The cost of thread lift in Iran ranges from $600 to $1,600.

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Thread lift in Iran: All you need to know

Thread lift is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that can reduce the signs of aging and give you a more youthful skin on your face, neck and other parts of your body. It can serve as a less invasive alternative to skin lift surgeries with almost similar results.

What is thread lift?

Thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that is used to reduce the signs of aging. This procedure can help you get rid of mildly loose skin on your face and neck without cutting your skin.

Thread lift involves inserting special threads into the skin and pulling them to get firmer skin. The threads will pull the skin cells together, resulting in more natural youthful looks. What is even more interesting is that the results are immediate.

How thread lift works

At first, the mechanical effect that appears after pulling the thread will result in immediate tightening of the skin. Afterward, the inserted thread will promote the skin into the production of more collagen.

Since collagen makes the skin fuller and more elastic, the threads will continue to improve the skin as time passes until they finally dissolve in the skin. After thread lift, the skin will be firmer and fuller, and the wrinkles and fine lines will be gone or less noticeable.

How is thread lift procedure done?

Even though the procedure may change a bit depending on the targeted area, the main techniques are similar. Thread lift steps are as follows:

  • Sterilization: after you enter the room, your skin will be sterilized with some alcohol.
  • Anesthesia: Thread lift is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor will apply topical anesthetic to your skin to prepare it for the procedure.
  • Thread Insertion: The doctor will insert the threads into your skin using thin needles. This step will usually take from 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Needle removal: Now, the doctor will remove the needle and pull the threads. You are likely to feel some pressure as the doctor pulls the threads.

After that, the procedure will be over. There might be some swelling or bruising after the procedure. You will immediately notice a tighter, smoother, and more young-looking skin.

What is thread lift used for?

Thread lift procedure is used to treat several conditions that are associated with aging, including the following.

Thread lift for eyes

Under the eye’s bags are among the annoying signs of aging that can be treated with thread lift. Thread lift can help you remove the sagging appearance of your skin and rejuvenate the skin under your eyes. Thread lift for the eyelids is also an option for rejuvenating droopy eyelids.

You can have fox eyes thread lift to get the looks of famous people like Gigi Hadid and the Kardashians. Fox eye thread lift will not only make you look younger, but it will also pop out your eyes and can improve your appearance.

Thread lift for brow

Thread lift effect on the skin near the eyebrow is significant. Thread lift can lift the skin mechanically, thus reversing the outcome of several years on the skin.

Thread lift for double chin and jawline

As you age, the skin near your chin loses its elasticity and gets looser. As a result, your chin will look as if there is a second chin near it (develop jowls, in other words).

Thread lift procedure can help sculpt the jawline and remove the double chin. When it is over, you will have the looks of the younger version of yourself.

Thread lift for cheeks

You may use thread lift procedure as a treatment for droopy cheeks. Thread lift will lessen the drooping to make the cheek look firmer. The threads will promote the production of collagen, which will make your cheeks fuller. If you want fuller cheeks, you can have dermal filler injections in the cheeks along with thread lift treatment.

Thread lift for neck

Nobody likes how the neck’s saggy skin looks, especially if they want to wear shirts that reveal the neck. When the sagging is mild, you can use thread lift to tighten the skin of your neck and look younger.

Thread lift for the forehead

Thread lift can be used to treat both superficial and deep wrinkles. Thread lift will help you regain the natural young look without the risks of facial nerve damage. Threads will fix the skin in a way that makes it look more natural and improves the skin since they induce collagen production.

Thread lift for the abdomen

You can contour your body with thread lift procedure. With thread lift, you may change the shape of your abdomen and have a tighter skin. The results from thread lift in the abdomen will last about three years with the ability to add more threads whenever you want.

Thread lift for knees

Loose skin around the knees can be a big problem that annoys women and prevent them from wearing the clothes they want, such as skirts and dresses. Thread lift for knees will enhance the skin and reduce its laxity.

Thread Lift results

When you have a thread lift, you will notice the difference in no time. Thread lift results are instant and appear as soon as the threads are fixed in place. Thread lift results will last for about 2 to 3 years and give you a naturally younger look.

Thread lift complications and side effects

Every procedure, no matter how safe and easy it is, comes with some possible complications and side effects. Thread lift side effects are not common but they are possible. Thread lift side effects may include the following:

  • Swelling
  • Dimples
  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Infection

The side effects are usually temporary and go away after few days. Thread lift dimpling is one of the possible complications, but they tend to settle after few weeks along with any unevenness.

Thread lift healing

One of the pros of thread lift is the short recovery. Thread lift healing is fast with no downtime. You can go back home right after the procedure and resume most of your daily tasks immediately. However, you may need to have rest and refrain from physical and sexual activity for few weeks.

Thread lift aftercare

As with every other cosmetic procedure, it is vital to take good care of the skin. Following thread lift aftercare instructions is necessary to maintain the best results for more extended period of time. Thread lift aftercare tips may include:

  • Applying a good sunscreen on your skin when you go out and avoid direct sun exposure.
  • Washing the treated area very gently.
  • Not rubbing the treated area for the next 2 weeks.
  • Refraining from drinking alcohol for the following week at least.
  • Taking OTC painkillers when you feel pain.
  • Staying away from sports for at least 7 days.
  • Keeping away from steam and high and low temperatures.
  • Avoiding vitamins and other supplements that contain vitamins C, A & E for the next week after the procedure.
  • Going to your follow-up appointment 7 days after the procedure.

Thread lift vs. filler

Both fillers and thread lift can be used to treat aging signs. When you have mild wrinkles and skin sagging, thread lift can be a good choice for you. Thread lift will give you a natural young look.

Dermal fillers can be used for older patients who have deeper wrinkles or for patients who want to have faster results.

Thread lift vs. Botox

Unlike thread lift, Botox does not help to produce collagen and tighten the skin. Botox will paralyze the skin preventing the further development of dynamic wrinkles. If treating dynamic wrinkles is your goal, then you will need Botox instead of thread lift.

How to arrange my trip to have a thread lift in Iran?

The first step of arranging for your treatment in Iran should be contacting AriaMedTour. AriaMedTour will help you get a free online consultation with the best cosmetic surgeons in Iran, get the visa and book a hotel room for you and your family. Upon your arrival, we will pick you up from the airport. Then we will take you to see the doctor.

Even after you go back home after your treatment, you can benefit from the online follow up with you doctor through AriaMedTour.

Frequently Asked Questions About Thread Lift

Yes, thread lift is considered safe and with low risks. There are some possible side effects. However, the chances of bleeding, bruising, and other complications are low.

No, thread lifts can last for 2 to 3 years. Some patients may need to have top-ups regularly to preserve the results.

Although thread lift’s results are not as precise as face lift, thread lift can be a good alternative for patients with mild sagging and wrinkles.

Thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to fix mild to moderate wrinkles and sagging skin.

No, thread lift is safe with low risks.

If one of the threads causes any problem, it is possible to remove it.

Yes, you may repeat thread lift and add more threads whenever you want or need to.

There are no documented cases of blindness that have been caused by thread lift.

Yes, thread lift is a reversible procedure.

Yes, you can perform thread lift on the neck. It can be a good alternative for a surgical neck lift

Thread lift is not usually painful, but some patients may experience sharp pain after the procedure. You can usually treat this pain with OTC painkillers, but if they do not work, you should tell your doctor.

Thread lift is a minimally invasive surgery. It comes with very low risks of scarring.

Yes, the threads are made from biocompatible materials meaning that they will dissolve in the body as time passes.

The results of thread lift last for 2 to 3 years.

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