Hair loss in men: prevention and treatments

Hair loss is a common phenomenon among men, although it can happen for women, too. There are many reasons for hair loss such as, heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions, supplements, medications, radiation therapy, stressful events, hairstyle, certain treatments such as chemotherapy, skin disorders, hair-pulling disorder and diet. Excessive hair loss from the scalp results in baldness. Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is the most common reason of hair loss in men.

man grabbing his hair and looking for a hair loss treatment solution

Hair loss treatment is not limited to the surgery. There are a number of solutions to this condition.

Men are often inclined to blame heredity for their hair loss and consequently never even look for a solution to the problem. However, they can simply search for one of the many treatments to prevent hair loss, slow down the process, prevent further hair loss or make their hair regrow.

If you are one of those men who take care of their appearance and want to do something about their hair loss, this article is for you. Besides, we recommend that you identify the reason of your hair loss before choosing the treatment.

How does hair loss happen?

Hair loss can happen suddenly or gradually. It can occur just on the scalp or affect the whole body. It can be temporary or permanent. All of these states depend on the reason for which hair loss occurs. There are always signs and symptoms for hair loss. Some of these signs may include:

  • Hair thinning on the scalp
  • Hairline receding
  • Formation of a horseshoe – shaped pattern exposing the crown of the head
  • Bald spots in circular or patchy forms
  • Sudden Hair loss
  • Hair loss in the entire body
  • Loosening hair
  • Formation of scaly patches on the scalp

There are several factors that can increase the risk or probability of hair loss, such as:

  • Heredity (from either of you parents)
  • Aging
  • Significant weight loss
  • Some medical conditions such as diabetes
  • Stressful situations

How to prevent hair loss?

Here are some hair loss prevention tips. Keep in mind that this does not work for baldness caused by genetics. The following preventive methods are recommended:

  • Do not use tight hairstyles, such as braids, buns or ponytails.
  • Twisting, rubbing or pulling your hair can cause damage; avoid them.
  • When washing and brushing your hair, do it gently. Use a wide-toothed comb to prevent pulling out your hair.
  • Harsh treatments like hot rollers, curling irons, hot oil treatments and permanents can damage your hair. Therefore, they are not recommended at all.
  • Some medications and supplements cause hair loss; consult a doctor before using them.
  • Avoid exposing your hair to sunlight and any other sources of ultraviolet light.
  • According to some studies, there is a relation between smoking and baldness in men. So, stop smoking.
  • For those patients who are being treated with chemotherapy, there is the possibility of using a cooling cap. Using this cap, you’ll be able to reduce the risk of losing hair during chemotherapy.
  • Consider a balanced diet

Treatment options for male pattern hair loss

Now let’s see what medical treatments and home remedies exist for hair loss and hair fall.

Medical treatments

  • Minoxidil (Rogaine): Minoxidil was initially for high blood pressure treatment. However, a side effect was found for this medication; excessive, unwanted hair growth. This medication not only causes hair to grow, but also gives you longer hair with more hair strands because it extends hair growth period.
  • Finasteride: Finasteride was initially for prostate cancer. A drug for male pattern baldness treatment. This is just for men. It is dangerous for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Hair Transplant: This method is usually for male pattern baldness. It involves using the person’s own hair (normally taken from the back of the head) to transplant them on the balding areas.
happy man using minoxidil to to treat his hair loss

Minoxidil results in rapid hair growth and is recommended to those suffering from hair loss.

Home remedies

  • Vitamins: Lack of some vitamins such as vitamin H, D and E can cause hair loss. Therefore, you can take these supplements to restore your hair growth.
  • Coconut oil: This is an effective treatment for hair loss caused by hair style or using damaging products.
  • Yogurt: Eat probiotic-rich yogurt to prevent hair breakage or loss.
  • Onion juice: Apply onion juice to the scalp and wait 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Green tea: Green tea is useful for both prevention and treatment of androgenetic alopecia.
  • Egg yolk mask: Apply egg yolk to your scalp and wait 30 minutes before rinsing it off. You can use this treatment once a week.
  • Curry leaves: Curry leaves have two benefits; they retain your hair natural pigmentation and stimulate hair growth. Use it with coconut oil. The portion is one handful of curry leaves in ½ cup of coconut oil. You should heat the mixture so that you get a black residue. When it is cold, remove the leaves and apply the oil to your scalp. After 30 to 60 minutes, rinse it off. Using this mixture once a week would be of great benefit.

Other tips for hair loss treatments for men

There are some other tips to treat hair loss or slow it down, such as: quitting smoking, scalp massage, sticking to a balanced diet, getting checkups now and then, and reducing stress.

Quit smoking

Smoking can cause hair loss. Stop smoking right away!

Massage your scalp

Scalp massage stimulates hair follicles. 4 minutes of scalp massage a day keeps hair loss away!

Adopt a balanced diet

As we mentioned before, some vitamins and minerals are necessary for hair. Here are some of them:

  • Iron-rich foods such as lean beef, beans, vegetables, eggs and so on.
  • Omega 3- rich food such as salmon, tuna, egg yolks, walnuts and so on.
  • Proteins such as eggs, lean meats and seafood.

Get a checkup

There are some diseases that cause hair loss. In order to diagnose these medical conditions, you must get a checkup. Some of these medical conditions are listed below:

  • diabetes
  • thyroid conditions
  • eating disorders (due to poor nutrition)
  • iron deficiency anemia
  • hair pulling disorder, known as trichotillomania

For these diseases (and some others), you must visit a doctor.

Reduce stress

Stressful lifestyle not only affects your hair, but also your entire body conditions. You can manage your stress. Here are some recommendations for you:

  • exercise regularly
  • listen to your favorite music
  • do yoga and meditation

We hope that by following these tips and recommendations you can get a better hair condition. But even if you do not achieve the best result, don’t be upset, you look good!