8 interesting benefits of weight loss surgery

Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is becoming one of the most common weight loss options around the world. When diet and exercise don’t respond, many people, especially those who suffer from morbid obesity, are advised to undergo weight loss surgery to prevent the damaging effects of massive weight gain. Although the most desirable benefit of bariatric surgery is shedding kilos and boosting your appearance — and self-confidence — it is not the only advantage and certainly not the most significant benefit of this procedure. Here are some of the important benefits of weight loss surgery.infographic showing benefits of weight loss surgery

Benefit #1: Fixing a-fib

Artificial fibrillation, or irregular heartbeat, is a harmful effect of being overweight or obese. A-fib can lead to heart failure, stroke and other heart-related diseases. Weight loss surgery has been proven to be very effective in treating a-fib, which is mostly treated with medication or heart surgery. Many obese patients are disqualified from heart surgery because of the possible fatal risks, but they are qualified for bariatric surgery. As a result, one of the main benefits of weight loss surgery is fixing cardiovascular problems such as, a-fib, which can be very risky for many overweight patients to treat with invasive heart procedures.

Benefit #2: Preventing womb cancer in women

Excess weight in women can be very damaging, and various types of cancers have been associated with female excess weight and obesity. Womb cancer is one of the most common cancers among overweight women, and according to a study done by the University of Manchester, weight loss surgery is a great way to lower the risk of womb cancer and reverse pre-cancerous tissue for women who are suffering from obesity or excess weight.

Benefit #3: Long term weight loss success

Although losing weight isn’t a walk in the park, the most challenging part of dieting isn’t losing weight, but it is keeping the weight down for a long period of time. Most people are able to lose weight, but the majority of dieters gain all or a large portion of the lost weight back. Weight loss surgery is a great antidote to this problem. Most studies show that most patients are able to keep off at least 50 per cent of their excess weight after a bariatric procedure.

Benefit #4: Controlling and minimizing symptoms of type two diabetes

One of the many inevitable disadvantages of excess weight and obesity is diabetes, which is very difficult to manage. After diagnosis, controlling type two diabetes is especially hard for patients who can’t get a hold of their weight gain and are often struggling to keep their weight down after any major weight loss. As a result, weight loss surgery is a great treatment for patients who suffer from type two diabetes; because, after losing weight, patients’ symptoms, as well as the damaging effects of the disease, will be significantly reduced.

Benefit #5: Improving mental health

Often patients who’re suffering from excess weight or obesity have some type of mental health illness, due to poor self-image, which then causes isolation and disconnection from society. Therefore, depression is often inevitable, for many overweight patients. But, with weight loss surgery mental-health related issues can be treated because it will help the patients to regain self-confidence and be more active in their family setting, community or workplace.

Benefit #6: Reducing chances of infertility

Many overweight women, are unable to conceive children. The reason is because weight gain has often been named as one of the causes of polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. This condition is common after weight gain, which results in hormonal imbalance. PCOS prevents women from getting pregnant or to have a full term pregnancy. Bariatric surgery is a great treatment for overweight female patients who suffer from PCOS and would like to have children.

Benefit #7: Preventing joint pain

Excess weight is very tough on the joints because of the stress it exerts on them and this often debilitates patients who intend to be more active in order to lose weight. The pain and extreme discomfort in many patients, especially those who suffer from obesity, prevents them from completing the most mundane daily tasks, such as walking or climbing up and down the stairs. But weight loss surgery can be significantly helpful in alleviating joint pain and enables the patients to be more active, which results in a healthier lifestyle.

Benefit #8: Increasing life expectancy

Indeed, all of the above-mentioned weight loss surgery benefits are essential to longevity, but weight loss surgery has many more benefits, which certainly exceeds the points we mentioned here. Increasing mental and physical health, improving many weight-related medical conditions, enabling patients to enjoy an active life, and many more, are all reasons for many people to have a longer life, after a bariatric surgery.

Also read: What type of  weight loss surgery is right for me?

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